bully (part 2) • devin booker

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dear cassie,

i don't know what to say.

congratulations. for once in my life, you've left me speechless. i can't think of the right thing to say.

i'm sorry. i'm sorry for everything i've ever said to you. i'm sorry for all the things i've done that have hurt you. i don't even know why i'm actually apologising now, because i know sorry isn't going to cut it for all of the pain that i have caused you.

i've never taken in how much what i've said or done has affected people. all the mean things i have said have always been a joke to me, and i see now that i have taken it too far.

believe it or not, i've always liked you. since middle school, you were the person that would stand out amongst everyone else all the time. but i couldn't let people know i liked you. i cared too much about my reputation, my image, my status. now i know i should have cared for the one thing that actually should have mattered - you.

i can't believe you're gone. i can't believe i'm never going to see you again. truth is, i've always found you the most beautiful. i could tell you were always insecure, and i used that to my advantage to make myself seem stronger.

fuck looking stronger. fuck the power. fuck me. why am i so fucking stupid?

i can't believe i'm never going to be able to tell you how i feel, and it's all my fault.

i blame myself.

thank you for letting me see this in a new perspective. thank you for bringing me to my senses. thank you for giving me this wake up call.

i deserved this.

i promise i'm going to change for you. i promise to be a better person in honour of you.

you deserved the world and i just ripped it away from you.

i took you away from all your friends, family and loved ones.

i took away your future, your career, and happiness.

i'm sorry.




i'm so proud of dbook, the air forces from his collab with nike looks so good - i want a pair so badly

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