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                        The wind blew through my hair as I stared out into the dark sky, the melody of crickets and frogs harmonizing rang through the neighborhood. I took a long drag of my cigarette, soaking it all in.

                  This was the closest thing to a home I ever had. Before my father abandoned me and my mother, we never stayed in one town longer than five months. He worked as a trucker, always travelling around the country. He left when I was nine.

After my mother passed, it took me awhile to really learn that her health wasn't my burden to bare. And her death wasn't my fault. Her mind was too far gone, I was just too young to fully understand that.

           I remember the way my aunts eye sparkled as she held back tears at the funeral. She was trying to stay strong, more for me than herself. She knew I needed her, she knew she was the only person I had left.

              I inhaled another big drag, attempting to calm my shaky hands. I try not to think about my childhood much, but sometimes I can't help miss the hell out of my mom.

        "Oh honey, you know those things are so bad for your health." I jumped at the sound of my aunts voice, wondering how long she'd been behind me.

Sighing, she sat down on the step next to me, nudging me a little. I gave her a slight smile.

"I've heard it all before, auntie. I'm going to quit, just not right now." I protested.

     "Your lucky your 18 now little girl." she said jokingly, a hint of sadness flashed through her emerald eyes.

"I'm proud of you, Riah. Despite everything the universe has thrown your way, you did it, you graduated. That's a big accomplishment."

     I nodded, looking down at the grass beneath my feet. "Yeah, it was a difficult few years."

I looked into her eyes for a split second, then gazed back at the clear night sky.

"You know I couldn't have done it without you and Alyssa." I admitted.

She grinned from ear to ear.

"You know she's going to miss you when you leave for France."

             I hesitated. I hate the thought of leaving my aunt and cousin, but I feel I have to go. France was my mothers favorite vacation spot, and I want to know why. I want to feel closer to her.

"Where exactly are you going, Riah?" her voice cracked a little, I pretend not to notice.

          "Amiens, auntie. I'm going to land in Paris and take an Uber to my hotel." I tried not to sound too excited, but no matter how much I love my family here in Minnesota, I can't wait to see France.

Growing up, my mother used to tell me stories about the beautiful museums, cathedrals, cafes and parks all around France. I've always been fascinated with the idea of seeing it with my own eyes.

"Do you have everything packed? How about cash, do you have enough?" she asked faintly.

            My aunt always worries about me, always needs to make sure I'm okay.

I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I saved up from working at the bookstore. Everything is under control, promise." I stuck out my pinky finger.

She wrapped hers around mine softly, giggling. "Your a goof. I'm happy you've got everything ready. Well, almost."

I observed her curiously, trying to figure out why she said almost. As if she could read my mind, she pulled out a small velvet box from her sweater pocket.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now