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"You are not driving home, Riah. You're wasted." I heard Nora protest beside me.

I turned to look at her, giggling. "No I'm not I'll be -" hiccup "- okay, promise." I stuck my pinky out, stumbling into Nora's arms.
"Yeah, I'm driving you home. Come on, this way." She hummed.

"But my cars that way." I proclaimed, almost falling on my ass until Petra caught me from behind.
"Woah I didn't know you were here." I looked at her with wide eyes.

Petra chuckled as she wrapped her arm around me, helping me walk. We made our way to a dark blue car parked around the back of the club. Nora opened the passenger side door and helped me get in, shutting the door then got into the drivers side.

"Where do you live?" She asked as Petra got in the back.

"Where's the other people we were with?" I asked, ignoring Nora.

"They are going home, Petra lives by me so she rode with me. Where do you live?" She asked again in frustration.

I shrugged and slumped into the seat.

"Well looks like I'm bringing you to my house for the night." She spoke as she started the car and pulled onto the street.

"Y'all are cool, I like you guys." I blurted, immediately regretting it.

"We like you too, hun." Petra spoke up from the back seat.

I turned around to look into her green eyes, grinning like a fool. She returned the smile, flashing her beautiful white teeth.
"How are you all so gorgeous?" I asked, still looking into Petra's eyes.

They both gave me a puzzled look, then laughed and ignored my question. I shrugged it off and sat back down, realizing I haven't seen this part of the city yet.
The street lights illuminated the roads, making the closed antique shops and cafes look cozy. I scanned the empty streets, surprised when Nora turned down a road, houses stacked next to each other big enough to be mansions.

Fancy cars parked in drive ways, and the houses I could see into had magnificent furniture.
She turned into the drive way of one of the bigger houses, the outside entryway had brick detailing and black finishing. The house looked like it could have 10 fucking bedrooms.

"Holy shit, how?" I yelped.

Nora smiled and turned the car off. "Lets get inside, I'm tired as hell." I nodded as we walked inside, waving goodbye to Petra as she made her way to her own house down the street.

I scanned the elegant home, a huge stair case spiraled down to the front door. To the side of the staircase was a living room with a large tv in it, and comfortable looking white leather couches. To the left, the biggest kitchen I've ever seen, with all stainless steel appliances and marble countertops.

"I have a guest room you can stay in, you'll like the bathroom." She spoke as she led me up the giant staircase and around a winding hallway.
A bathroom in the guest bedroom? Okay Nora has got to be a drug dealer.

She opened the door at the end of the hallway, revealing a big room with dark red walls, black and white décor and black leather furniture.
There was a giant canopy bed in the middle of the room with a dark comforter that looked way too expensive. I smiled as I sloppily made my way to the bed, face planted into the mattress and kicked my shoes off.

"There's clothes in the dressers and closet if you want to change into something more comfortable, shower stuff in the bathroom. Consider the room and everything in it yours." Nora said sweetly.

"You are an angel, thank you so much." I mumbled into the blanket.

I could hear her laugh before she shut the door. After a few minutes of laying down, I stood back up, got to the bathroom and stripped. Once I finally took my makeup off with my purse sized wipes, I happily climbed into the huge stone shower. It took me awhile to figure out the fancy ass controls, but when I did, I felt a hundred times better as the hot water caressed me.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped the robe that was folded on the counter around my damp body and leaned against the sink, staring at myself in the mirror.

I can barely recognize myself, somethings off. Redness was splotching around my eyes, and bags were beginning to appear. 'What has gotten into you?', I thought to myself. Taking a deeper look, I noticed that even my eye color looked duller.

I sighed loudly and made my way back to the room to search for some pajamas. I went through multiple drawers before finding a tank top and sweats, once I finished putting them on, I turned the lights out and jumped right back into the huge bed.

I patiently waited for sleep to take over, relieved as I started getting sleepy, then fell into a deep slumber.

I looked up from my hands to see an unnatural creature looking right back at me, with hateful, glowing red eyes. No words can describe what I was seeing, except werewolf. I tried to deny it, but I saw this thing transform, and I can never forget that image.

He snarled at me, wrinkling his nose as he stepped closer and closer, until I could feel his hot breath on my face. I tried to move, but I was paralyzed.

He glanced down at my necklace, then back to my face. Within a second, he was gone with the wind.

My eyes shot open as I sat up and looked around, trying to remember where I was. I rubbed my temples as pain pulsed through my head.

Oh, that's right. After the club Nora brought me to her place. Getting out of bed, I stumbled to the bathroom to quickly pee and brush my teeth before anyone experiences my terrible morning breath.

And my aunt thought it was weird I carried an extra tooth brush around with me.

Putting the brush back into my purse, I walked towards a closet and opened it up, searching through the clothes she has. They were all pretty cute, just not exactly my style. I settled upon some ripped jeans and a tank top, changed, and made my way down the stairs, hoping I remembered how to get to the main staircase.

As I was walking down the stairs in search of Nora, I could hear voices coming from the kitchen. I smiled as I began walking towards the room, until I heard Petra speaking,

"Are you sure they found her home town?"

I stopped in my tracks, hiding behind a wall to listen carefully.
"I got confirmation yesterday. She's lucky she made it here when she did, or else they would have attacked." An unfamiliar, deep voice spoke.

"And you know this how?" Marcel questioned.

"I have an ally inside the pack who reports to me at all times. He said one of the younger members reported to Callum about spotting her at her going away party. He said he stalked her behind a tree, until she spotted him." He answered assertively.

Woah, wait. He's talking about the figure I saw when I was sitting with Cassy. And I've heard that name before, Callum.
That's the killer I've been dreaming about.

My curiosity got the best of me, and before I could stop myself, I walked right into the kitchen and began to yell, "Alright what the fuck is going on here?!"

They all gaped at me, silent. I was about to ask again, when I looked over at the man leaning against the fridge. Brown, short hair styled messily accentuated his chiseled face, a perfectly groomed beard complimented his cheek bones. His full lips curved into a slight smirk, and his white shirt fit perfectly over his muscles as he crossed his arms over his chest, giving off a relaxed vibe.

I looked into his eyes and froze.

"It-it's you, oh my god. Your the one I-I-" Stuttering, I took a step back, still looking into his bright, beautiful blue eyes I know all too well.

He took a step towards me, a line formed between his eyebrows as he tilted his head in confusion. "What are you talking about, Riah?"

I managed to speak for a second, "The man in my dreams."

The last thing I heard before everything went black, was Nora yelling, "Go get Marbella, NOW!" as she dove under me, preventing me from smashing my head as I collapsed to the floor.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now