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*S/N: I wanted to thank everyone who still continues to read Red Ruin*

I tuned Nora's voice out most of the day as we searched through endless racks of dresses and shops full of annoying teenagers. I didn't want to be here and she knew that, but she still continued to try and keep me cheery. God, I wish she'd just drop it for a day and let me bum.

"Earth to Riah." Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up from the racks to see Nora standing in front of me, holding a black dress. It was tight, short, and a little too revealing.

I shook my head.

"You're gonna have to decide on something, hun."

I shrugged as I continued to look through the black gowns.
"How many do I need again?"

"Three, one for your change ceremony, one for the after party, and one for the mating ritual. The dress for the change ceremony should be red, representing the ruby. And the other two should be black, or a darker shade." She squeaked in excitement.

Fuck, she's more excited for my 'wedding' than I am.
As I grew more irritated, I almost gave up, when I spotted a gorgeous red gown at the corner of the store. As I made my way to it, Nora followed close behind and gasped.

"Wow, this is actually beautiful." I mumbled as I felt the fabric between my fingers.
The dress was a gorgeous shade of red, it fell to the floor elegantly, with a deep neckline and two gems sewn in at the middle of the torso.
Carefully pulling it off the rack, I peered at Nora.

"Go try it on, like now."

I did as she said and found an empty dressing room, quickly stripping out of my day dress into the gown.

Once I got it situated, I looked at my reflection and gasped. It was the perfect size, and accentuated my curves. The neckline was deep enough to be seductive, but not too revealing.
Opening the curtain between us, I twirled around for her to see every angle.

"Holy shit, you look amazing." She beamed.

"Thank you, I think I'll get this one for the change. Will you check the tag and see how much it is?"

Waving her hand, she shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Demitri is covering all costs. Get whatever your little heart desires."
Chuckling, I stepped back into the little dressing room and changed, careful not to damage the fabric.

After we purchased the gown and made our way to a different shop, my mood shifted slightly, from irritated, to partially excited. I'm actually kind of looking forward to the ceremonies.

"Bonjour ladies, let me know if you would like any help." We smiled as we passed the cashier and made our way to the party dresses in the back.


After about forty-five minutes of searching for my after party dress, I found a black one that really intrigued me. It was lacy, long, and tight with sleeves and beautiful stitching. Deciding on it, we left the shop and happily made our way to a smoothie stand.

"Two strawberry bananas, large." Handing the young worker a 20, I grinned at Nora.
"I promise, you'll love it. It's my favorite type of smoothie." I assured her.

Once we got our drinks, we sat down at a small table outside.
"So, all this shopping has got to be exciting, huh?"

I looked into Nora's eyes and took a deep breath, "Yeah, I mean it's fun. Also nerve racking, though."

She gave me an understanding look. "I get it. Although I didn't have a change ceremony, the mating ritual definitely freaked me out. But it's not as scary as you'd think."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now