48: Take Care Of Her, Baby Girl

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Although the trip to Minnesota was quicker in a private jet than a plane, it still felt like it took us forever. But once we finally landed and made our way outside the jet, I took a deep breath and sighed. I love France, but Minnesota will always be home.

"So, this is Minnesota." Nora spoke as she walked up next to me.

"Yup, it's not much, but was enough for me as a child."

Intertwining her hand in mine, she led me to a black SUV with tinted windows and opened the passenger side door.


I shook my head at her and quietly giggled. Dork.
After Demitri and the men put our luggage in the back, they all got into the large vehicle and waved Jack and Fredrick goodbye.

My nerves were through the roof as I went through every possible situation that could happen. Pulling down the visor mirror, I dabbed coverup on my marking until it disappeared and brushed some setting powder over it.

"What kind of cover up do you use hoe? I can never find shit that covers up that well." Nora crossed her arms over her chest in confusion.

Turning to her, I narrowed my eyes. "You do not need cover up, you literally have natural beauty."

Huffing, she rolled her eyes and stared out the window. Chuckling, I turned back to the front and watched the large buildings pass by. We landed in Minneapolis, so it won't take too long to get to my aunts.

"I called your aunt when we were still in Amiens to let her know we were on our way, but she hasn't answered my most recent calls. Here, try her again." Taking his phone from his hand, I clicked on her number and hit call.

Confusion spread through my body as it continued to ring, soon after was fear as she didn't answer my next 3 calls.

Throwing his phone in the cupholder, I sat up. "You need to drive faster, I have a feeling she's in trouble."

Without question, he pressed his foot against the gas pedal and weaved through the cars on the highway. Gripping onto the door for support, I fought the urge to throw up from worrying to harsh.

I don't know why I'm so scared, she usually misses calls because she's so busy with Alyssa, but something is off.

As the sign for Blaine passed by, I directed Demitri through the town to my old neighborhood. As we drove up to the house, my stomach dropped as I saw the large van in the driveway, and three lumps in the yard that usually aren't there.

Before we even stopped, I opened the door and ran through the grass. As I reached the lumps, I realized they were, in fact, the bodies of the men Romeo sent to protect my family. Their throats were slit so deep, their heads nearly fell off. Swallowing the bile in my throat, my heart skipped as the sound of my aunt screaming came from inside the house.

Within a second, I busted through the door to find Alyssa hunched over behind the couch, crying. Setting my hand on her back, her eyes lit up as she hiccupped.

"Shhh." I pressed my finger to my lips. "Go into the bathroom and lock the door, do not come out until I tell you to."
Sniffling, she crawled to the bathroom and shut the door. Once Demitri, Alec and Nora got into the house with the soldiers behind them , I directed Nora to the bathroom door and ordered her to guard it.

As she did what I said, I slowly made my way to the kitchen where a smashing sound rang through my ears. In the kitchen was Callum, with his arm around my aunt, and a knife pressed to her throat.

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