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* The picture is what Riah's hair looks like, but instead of white flowers they are black 💜 *

Riah POV

Sighing, I pushed myself off of my bed and took the towel wrapped around my hair off. Walking to the mirror, I sat down and stared into my reflection. This is it. This is the day we mark.

My heart ached at the thought of him as anger rose to my chest.

Shaking it off, I took a few deep breaths and began doing my makeup.
Swiping on some blood red lipstick, I cleaned the edges of my mouth and started my eyeliner.

"Hey hun, I'm gonna do your hair." Nora gave me an excited smile as she busted through the door.

I nodded as she plugged her hair dryer in and turned it on. As she dried my long, black hair, she hummed delightfully.
Once she was done, she tied it up in sections and started curling it.

While she did my hair, I just searched my appearance. I'm surprised how much the swelling around my eyes has gone down, it's as if I didn't spend the night crying myself to sleep.

Finally finished, Nora pinned a few black flower barrettes into the curls, sprayed it with some hairspray, and carefully glued black flowers down my neck to my shoulder with skin safe paste. Pulling away, she grinned in the mirror as her eyes lit up brightly.

"All done."

Handing me a mirror, I slowly grabbed it from her and situated it so I could see the back of my head.
Curls were placed perfectly throughout my hair, with black flowers placed elegantly between them and ruby's sewn into the flowers. It was in an up do, with little pieces of hair falling down, framing my face beautifully. It looked like silk and healthier than it ever has, and perfect for my dress. The flowers flowing down my neck to my shoulder accentuated my shoulder blades in elegance.

"Thank you, Nora." I tried sounding excited, but failed.
Sighing again, I stood up from the floor and shuffled to my bed where my black dressed was lying. As Nora turned to give me privacy, I stripped out of my pajamas and carefully stepped into the gown. Once I got it situated, I cleared my throat.

"Can you zip it up?"

Nodding, she slowly turned around and gasped. "Holy shit you look... gorgeous. Stunning, actually."

Giving her a genuine smile, I turned around and let her pull the zipper up.
For a moment, I just stood still, scared to see myself in the mirror. But knowing I'm just going to have to get this over with, I twisted around and gaped.

The dress fit elegantly around my curves, pushing my breasts up perfectly as the diamonds on the neckline sparkled in the light.
After I made sure everything was just right, I stepped into my black pumps and wrapped my arm around Nora's.

"I know it's nerve racking, but it's a beautiful ceremony I promise." She reassured me.

I nodded. "Where is it going to be?"

Smiling, Nora led me down the steps to the front door where Marcel was standing in a black tuxedo and a red tie. "It's a surprise."

Shrugging, I wrapped my other arm around Marcels as we walked through the front door and to the large limo out front. Bowing, I climbed into the seat and softened the fabric beneath my palms.

"Khudozhestvennyy muzey na rue de la Republique." Nora's Russian sounded perfect as she directed the driver to wherever we were going.

The route seemed a little familiar, but to be honest I've been to so many places I can barely remember them all.
But after a few turns, my jaw dropped as we stopped in front of the building. Tears weld up in my eyes as I slowly stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed Nora's hand.
Before us was Musee De Picardie, the museum Marcel, Devitt and I visited after I was attacked by that wolf.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now