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After confronting Demitri last night, I had Charlie show me to our room and went to bed. Followed by an awkward encounter when Demitri decided to clock out, smelling of wine, we both went to sleep without saying a word.
And continued to ignore each other as we got back to the house. He finally went home awhile after he realized I wasn't going to speak to him.

"Still not talking?" Norah questioned as she sat beside me on the couch.


She shook her head, "You guys are so stubborn. What could possibly be bad enough that you wont speak to him?"
"He didn't tell me Callum was still alive." I answered, refusing to look at her.


I nodded and turned the TV up in annoyance.
I'm not going to speak to him first. Hell, even if he spoke to me I probably wouldn't answer. I just want him to understand what it means to me when he doesn't tell me important things. We're kind of supposed to spend eternity together as mates, it'd be nice if he made it a little  fucking easier on me.
We butt heads way too much, we're both so damn competitive and I honestly have no idea how I'm going to live with him without murdering him.

"What ya watching?" Alec trotted into the living room and perched himself onto the chair.

"You seem a little cheery." I mumbled.

He shrugged, "Considering the past few days.. Someone's got to help keep the mood a little light, especially with you and Demitri at each others throats."

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "You mean him being a dumbass?"

"Sure, Riah. Sure."
Nora giggled beside me, causing me to hit her shoulder.
She rubbed it, whining.

"Oh shut up, you have vampire strength. That didn't really hurt."

She pouted, "It hurt me emotionally."

I shook my head, "You two will be the death of me if Demitri doesn't give me a damn heart attack first."
Chuckling, Alec threw his legs over the arm rest and placed his hands behind his head. "Ah, much better."
I crinkled my nose, dork.

After a few hours of watching cartoons, I got up and peered and them.
"I'm hungry, you two want me to bring you down some blood?"
They both nodded as I left the living room and made my way into the second kitchen up stairs.

Humming as I tore three bags open and poured them into cups, I took a deep breath and scanned the dark room.
My heart dropped as I realized this was the first time I've been in here since Devitt passed, and I partially expected him to come bursting in the door like he usually would. Quickly swiping away a single tear that managed to fall down my cheek, I grabbed the glasses and walked back to the living room, careful not to spill the liquid.

Once I shuffled into the living room, I realized Marcel was now here.
"Oh hey." I smiled weakly. "I would have gotten you some if I knew you were coming over."

He shook his head, "No need. I just ate."

Nodding, I handed Alec and Nora their cups and sat back down on the white couch. As I sipped at the blood, Marcel cleared his throat.

"Have you guys seen Demitri since this morning?"
Surprised, I shook my head. "No, last I saw him, he was going home. Why?"

He lifted his shoulders, then dropped them. "We were supposed to meet up at Le Club after he unpacked, but he never showed up. I just assumed he was here."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now