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* Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me if you'd like!(:
Also, the beauty in the picture I uploaded is what I'd imagine Selene looks like(: *

Riah POV

As I rushed up the stairs, I ignored Demitri as he shouted for me. Slamming the door behind me, I collapsed to the floor with my head in my hands, tears streaming down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath, I threw my fist into the dresser beside me and screamed in anger.

The emotions that have been coursing through my body lately have been screwing with the way I function. I can't do anything right and it's killing me. Every thought I have, every move I make, just isn't who I was before and I don't know if I'm strong enough to become the person I'm destined to be.

The sound of knocking on my door brought me to my feet. "Demitri, I don't want to talk right now." Pressing my forehead to the wooden door, I could feel his presence on the other side.

I could hear him sigh, "Riah, just let me in. We can talk about this."

I banged my fist against the wood, "No, Demitri. We can't. Please, just go. I need to be alone right now."

For a moment he hesitated, stood still on the other side. But being the respectful man he is, he let my needs go before his, and left the hall. With my forehead still pressed against the door, I squeezed my eyes shut as another tear dripped down my face.

"Fuck!" Letting the anger consume me, I grabbed onto the couch beside my bed, and tossed it across the room with barely any effort. For a moment, I actually scared myself. Until I let the power rush through my veins. The amazing way it felt caused me to hum in pleasure as adrenaline pulsated through my skin. Grabbing onto a chair, I tossed that across the room too. Exhausted, I allowed myself to fall into my bed and stare up at the ceiling.


After putting the furniture back in place and cleaning up the glass that inevitably broke during my fit, I changed into some jogging clothes, made my way downstairs, ignored Demitri, and began my run around the block.

I never realized how fast I could really run. Then again, I haven't really jogged since I got to France. But to make sure no one spotted me, I didn't run full speed until I got to a more secluded area. After a good while of jogging, I began hearing footsteps behind me. Turning around, I searched the trail and arched my brow.

"Hello? Who's there?" I shouted.

But no one answered, and assuming I was just hearing things, I resumed. But a moment later, I heard it again. Stopping in my tracks, I looked around, yet with no luck. I ran my hand through my hair and searched the trees in confusion. Backing up, I suddenly ran into a large, hard surface. As I let out a scream, a hand covered my mouth quickly. Before I could do anything to save myself, whoever was behind me smashed a hard object upside my head, and everything went black as I collapsed to the ground.


Slowly opening my eyes, it took me a moment for my sight to clear up. But once it did, all I could see before me was a dirty room, a small mattress on the floor, and a light bulb hanging over me that created an awful glow. Once it settled in, I realized I've been kidnapped. Trying to stand up, I fell back down as I winced at the pain shooting through my skull. In an attempt to reach for my head, I realized my hands were chained together and nailed to the floor.

I widened my eyes in fear as I searched the room again. Trying to yank at the chains and find a way out, I heard a banging noise come from the other side of the metal door. A moment later, it swung open and a tall figure stood before me, with a hood covering his face. Squinting, a tear ran down my cheek.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now