44: Sleep Over

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Riah POV 

As I took the last drag of my cigarette and threw it, I drew in a deep breath. Glancing up at the night sky, I ran my hand through my hair and went back into the house. Everyone in the council was sitting in the kitchen, discussing the clans next move to find Callum. 

"What do you fucking mean we can't find one single man? We're one of the most powerful mafia's in the game and we can't find one god damn man?" Petra's face was turning red as she screamed at Demitri.
Walking into the room, I placed a comforting hand on her back and squeezed.

"Hey, we'll find him." I spoke quietly.

Aleksandra snickered beside me. Shooting her a glare, I raised my brow. "What?" 

She shrugged, "The fact that Petra is more riled up about this than you are, and your the one who got kidnapped by him. Really makes you think."

Taking a step towards her, I squeezed the bridge of my nose. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" 

She rolled her eyes, "I mean, you show up and all of a sudden all of these crazy things start happening. Coincidence? I think not."

Throwing my head back, I let out an irritated breath. "Are you fucking kidding me Aleksandra? That's what we're going to do right now?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and shot me a bitchy look. 

Clicking my tongue against the inside of my cheek in irritation, I paced to the counter and groaned sarcastically. "I'm not trying to deal with your shit right now dude, drop it."
Letting out another chuckle, she chewed on her bottom lip and glanced away from me.

I shook my head. "Demitri, is he even here, in France?"

He shrugged. "I honestly don't know. He had enough time to leave, but there's no way he did without my men spotting him." 

Rubbing my face, I nodded and continued pacing back and forth. There's still a possibility he left France, and if so, I need to figure out what he's plotting, and soon.
Grabbing my glass of blood from the counter, I sipped at it and ran through every way we could find him. 

"If we're done talking, Petra and I have some things to do." Aleksandra mumbled. As Demitri gave them a nod, they both shuffled out of the house. 

Nora sighed. "I'm tired. I haven't slept since we got home from the capital yesterday. I'll see y'all tomorrow." Giving her a quick hug, I waved her and Alec goodnight as they made their way to their room. 

Rubbing the back of my neck, I glanced at Demitri and sat down. 

"You don't believe what Aleksandra said, do you?" 

Shaking his head, he leaned over the counter and grabbed my hands. "No, love. Of course not. She's just stressed is all. Don't let her angry words get to you."

Giving him a weak smile, I glanced down at the marble table. 

"So I was thinking, maybe you could stay the night at my house tonight? I don't mean to push you, but I really missed sleeping next to you last night."

As a genuine smile spread across my face, I looked into his blue ocean eyes and nodded. "I would love to, actually."

I stood up and made my way around the island and wrapped my arms around his waist. As I inhaled his fresh scent, I glanced up at him. "I just have to go get some clothes real quick, I'll be right back down."

As he nodded, I let go of him and ran up the stairs into my room. Filling my duffle bag with some clothes for tomorrow and a pair of pajamas, the excitement caused butterflies to fly in my stomach. 

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