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The next few days flew by faster than I expected, and before I knew it, it was Wednesday. The day of my change ceremony. Knots built up in my stomach, causing nerves to boil like crazy. I didn't realize how scared I was until I was stepping into my red dress and pinning my hair up. Biting my lip, I took a deep breath and glanced at my reflection in the body mirror I bought two days ago.

"You look stunning." Nora squeaked, barely able to contain her excitement.

I blushed, "Thanks."
Scanning my reflection, I was pretty proud of how well I did my eye makeup and deep red lipstick.
"One more thing."
Clipping a diamond barrette into my hair, Nora smirked. "Perfect."

Closing my eyes for a moment, I repeated some calming sentences in my head that Demitri taught me.
Once I was ready to leave, I gave Nora a nod as she grabbed my hand and led me out of my room, down the stairs and outside.
Demitri was leaning on his truck in a red velvet suit, looking sexy as hell.
As he looked at me, his jaw dropped and his eyes scanned my body, making me a little self conscious.

"Riah, you look amazing." He stuttered.

Stopping in front of him, I kissed his cheek sweetly and grabbed his hand, allowing him to help me into the vehicle. After everything that's happened, I've decided to keep calm with him and try to see it from his point of view.
After Nora got in behind me, Demitri turned the ignition over, and we made our way to the church.

I couldn't help but twirl my thumbs nervously as we got closer and closer. Who's all going to be there? I know the council members of most covens in France are supposed to be there, plus Willow, but will Selene dare to make an appearance?

Silently praying that she wouldn't, I chewed on my lip as we pulled into the parking lot.
Before I could get out, Demitri was at my side, holding his hand out for me to grab. As he gently helped me onto the ground, Nora jumped out and wrapped her arm around mine.

"So me and Demitri are going to walk you down the isle, once we stop, you will kneel down as Demitri will get on the stand in front of you, I will be beside him and Alec. Aleksandra, Marcel and Petra will be with us, too. Okay?" I nodded as she talked me through what to do, even though I've memorized every step. She just knew how to calm me.

As we stepped into the church, Marbella met us at the front and hurried to the main room to hold the door open for us.

Once we walked into the room full of people, my anxiety dissipated as I remembered this is my family now. I grinned as I spotted Willow in the front, but a bit of sadness tore at my heart as I thought of Devitt. He should be here, spending this special moment with us.
Everyone kept quiet, watching us make our way to the podium. After I knelt down, and Demitri took his place in front of me, a slow, eerie song began to play from the piano. It was a beautiful, mysterious toon.

"Blessed by the goddess Vaena, we honor Riah Killian, daughter of Karissa Killian and Sirius Fane, as she completes her full change into a beautiful, fulfilled immortal life. As High Priest of The Bloodworth Clan, I give you my venom as a token of love, life, and happiness. May your soul be blessed." Demitri's voice echoed throughout the walls as he handed me the chalice.
Clasping it with both hands, I glanced up at him. As Demitri nodded in reassurance, I tilted the cup to my lips and drank the sour liquid down to the last drop.

For a moment, I felt nothing. No change, no twinge or pain. Then suddenly, my eyes rolled back as I collapsed into Demitri's outstretched hands.


My head was pounding as I opened my eyes in confusion. Looking around, I realized I was back in my room. Demitri greeted me with a wide grin.
"Hey, love. You feeling okay?"

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now