47: Goodbye Amiens

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Demitri POV

As I was about to knock on the door, Riah sighed.
"You don't have to knock, Demitri."

Grinning, I opened the door and walked in. She was sitting on her bed, wrapped in a towel. Her eyes were red and swollen, I assumed it was from crying.

"Yeah?" She asked softly.

Sitting on the couch across from her, I looked into her green eyes. "I talked to your aunt. She wants you to call her, to make sure your okay."

A sad smile spread across her lips as her muscles relaxed a bit.
"How did you find her number?"

I shrugged. "I have some connections. Anyway-" I pulled out my phone and the piece of paper from my pocket. "That's her number."

Grabbing the phone from my hands, she dialed the number and held the phone up the her ear. After a few seconds, a tear streamed down her cheek as she heard her aunts voice.

"Auntie, it's me. Riah."

As they continued their conversation, I left the room to give her privacy and made my way into the kitchen. Nora and Alec were still sitting at the table, sipping some blood wine. After pouring myself a glass from the containers on the counter, I sat beside them.

"Everything okay?" Nora asked softly.

"Yeah, I got her aunts number so she's talking to her right now. I need her aunt to trust me so she'll allow Romeo's men to protect her until we get there."
Nora nodded.

"Romeo? You still do business with him?" Alec's voice was curious, his expression looked irritated.

I shook my head. "Naw, but I knew he could get her phone number and send men to her asap."

Shrugging, Alec toke another drink of the blood.
As we sat at the table and talked, I began to get worried that something was wrong, when Riah walked up to us in sweats. Handing me my phone, she sat down.

"She's going to let the men protect her, but she's keeping her doors locked and they need to stay outside. I told her I've been with you guys ever since we met, and your parents somehow knew my mom or some bullshit. But she will be safe for the night."

Nodding, I clasped my hands together. "We should get some sleep."
As Alec and Nora went to their room, I followed Riah into hers and shut the door behind me.

"So I'll pick you up in the morning then?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I glanced to the floor.

She shook her head. "Stay with me. I don't think I can go the night without you."
Nodding, I climbed into bed next to her and caressed her in my arms.

Riah POV

"Don't let him get to her, baby girl." Her eyes were sad.

Cupping her hand in mine, I nodded. "I won't, mom. I promise."

Sighing, a single tear streamed down her face as she slowly disappeared.

Waking up next to Demitri's half naked body usually gives me a giddy feeling, but with everything going on, I just sighed sadly and shook him awake.

As he twitched his eyes open, he smiled once he saw me.
"Yes, beautiful?"

"It's 6:30, we got to go soon." I mumbled.
Nodding, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Climbing out of the large bed, I stretched my arms out and yawned. Irritated, I trudged to my closet and yanked a pair of shorts and a t shirt off the hangers and stripped out of my pajama's, too tired to care about being butt ass naked.
Buttoning the shorts up, I pulled the shirt on and looked over at Demitri. Of course he was already ready and leaning against the door. I keep forgetting I could just use my speed to get ready and kill like, all the time I take to even get dressed.

Shaking my head, I walked up to him and allowed him to open the door for me. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I gave Nora a tired grin.

"What about clothes?" I questioned, yawning into my hand and following the group outside.

The air was warm, but the wind was cool and relaxing. Birds were just beginning to chirp as the sun got ready to rise and the grass was slightly wet.
I usually love this time of day.

"Don't worry about that, I've got clothes for you on the jet." Demitri answered.

I haven't even bothered to ask them why in the hell they have a private jet, let alone how Demitri manages to always have a wardrobe prepared for me.
After I slowly got into the truck, I buckled up and slumped into the seat as we left the neighborhood. I'm too tired for this shit, but of course Callum has to be a dumbass wolf with no care in the world.

After about 10 minutes, we pulled up to a building that looked like a smaller airport, I glanced at Demitri in confusion.

"It's a private airport with jets and planes for rich people and shit." He answered as we pulled up to a large, white jet with five men standing in a line, waiting for our arrival.

Before I could climb out, one of the men got to my door before I could and opened it.

"Mrs. Sullivan." He bowed as I jumped out. I shot Demitri a nervous look and made my way to him.

If the circumstances weren't so fucked up, I would be loving this right now. Clinging onto Demitri, he led me to the men.

"This is Jack, our pilot." He pointed to an older man in a white button up. "That's Fredrick, our waiter of sorts I guess. And these three men are soldiers, they train at the warehouse." He gestured to three men in suits with ear pieces in, including the man who opened my door.

Nodding, I waved as we walked up the stairs into the plane. It was oddly large, with a bar, loveseats, leather couches and a flat screen TV. The whole jet was trimmed with wood, and white rugs with black furniture.

Shrugging, I plopped down on one of the couches and spread out. "Goodnight." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and closing my eyes.

Demitri POV

I chuckled lowly as I sat beside Riah and placed her legs across my lap. Once everyone sat down and got situated, we took off.
I haven't left France in awhile, so this should be interesting.

"Fredrick, could I get some whiskey?" Nodding, he poured the brown liquid into a cup. As I was about to take Riah's legs off my lap and walk up to the bar, he shook his head and made his way to us. As he handed the glass to me, I thanked him and sipped at the harsh liquid. If only I could get wasted right now.

"So what's the plan?" Alec asked, his arms outstretched across the back of the couch.

I cleared my throat. "We get her aunt and cousin to a safe place, and wait for Callum's arrival at the house. Once he gets there, we ambush him and kill the bastard for good. With our extra men-" I gestured to the three suited soldiers sitting on the couch beside me, "and Romeo's men, he won't get away this time."

Riah stirred and groaned, then opened her eyes and looked up at me. "I've slept for five minutes, why must you wake me?"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, love."

She shrugged and sat up, "Anyway, he's not getting out of this alive. He will die as he watches me rip his god damn heart out of his chest and squeeze it until it turns to liquid."
Furrowing my brows, we all gave her a concerned look.

"He fucks with my family, I rip his heart out of his chest."
Nodding slowly, I made a mental note to never piss Riah off ever again.

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