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*Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me if you'd like! I'm going to start adding in Demitri's POV, but it will only be occasional*
Demitri POV

I took a deep breath as I watched Riah turn and walk out of the room, her beautiful black hair falling down her back. Alec looked my way and set his hands on the table.

"Why did you lie to her, Demitri?" He asked angrily.

I shot him a threatening glare and shook my head, "She's not ready for the full truth right now Alec. She could barely handle knowing about this organization, let alone the fact that we're also a vampire coven and the men in the Chechen mafia are Werewolves." I declared as I stood up from my seat.

He raised his eyebrow, "You do realize she is half vampire herself, right? You just couldn't mention the fact that Sirius is her real father?"

I glared at him, narrowing my eyes and clenching my jaw. "Every action I'm taking is for the safety of her life and The Bloodworth Clan. Do not question my leadership."

He threw his hands up in defeat, a smirk appeared on his face. "I'm not, just curious. Nora doesn't seem too happy about it though."

I raised my shoulders, "That's something she's going to have to deal with for now. I've trusted her with protecting Riah, she doesn't need extra emotions hindering her work ethic." I answered confidently.

"And the issue with the mating?" Alec kept his eyes on mine, a vacant expression on his face.

I averted my gaze, looking at the door and pushed past it. An aching feeling of need for Riah pained my heart. "That's for me to figure out. I need to make sure its true before making any moves."

"And when do you think it's best to tell her everything?" Alec asked as he stood up next to Marbella.

I glanced over at her, a look of pity on her face.

"Once we figure out the correct way to tell her instead of just dumping it on her all at once. Are you coming to Le Club? I need to check my office for some documents." I attempted to change the subject.

He nodded and made his way around the table to follow me out of the church.

Riah POV

"Do you remember where your room is?" I nodded towards Nora and walked up the main staircase.

"Riah?" I turned to look back at her, a strained smile plastered on her lips. "I'm sorry." She dropped her head and fiddled with her hands.

I shrugged, "Whatever." I said, turning back to the stairs.

I made my way to the hall and shuffled to the room I'll be staying in. As I shut the door, I slid down to the floor and placed my head between my knees.

Not only was my mother apart of a Russian Mafia, she was also being stalked by one. I looked up and sighed, realizing my father was right about her death.

Anger coursed through my body as it settled in my stomach.
Who the fuck does Demitri think he is, telling me what to do and where to stay? He can't control me.

Just then, I stood up and yanked the door open. Only to be met with Marcels brown eyes.

"Going somewhere?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You're not going to let me leave, are you?" I questioned, crossing my arms and tilting my head.

"Nope, you're safest with us, and I need to make sure you stay here. Dons orders." He gave me an apologetic look.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now