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Demitri POV

The way her hair flew in the wind was so elegant, and her skin was smooth and brilliantly radiant. My god, she's gorgeous.
Holding back the urge to touch her, I leaned against the fence next to her and peered at the water as it glistened in the setting sun.
"This is beautiful." She whispered.

"Yeah, it sure is." But I wasn't talking about the lake. 
I could feel her demeanor relax, making me happy. All I want is for her to be comfortable.

"What's up, lovers?"
I chuckled at Nora and Alec walking up to us as they held hands.
"Enjoying the view." I replied.

"So we're planning on staying here for the night, for old times sake. I think Devitt would want us to enjoy a little vacation in his honor." Alec said gently.

Nodding, I wrapped my arm around Riah's waist and lent down.
"Would you like to stay the night, too?"

"Uhm, yeah sure. Where would we sleep?"

Nora perked up, "In your room, of course. We all have one here, this is in fact our second home."

"Just an fyi, your room is also mine."

Eyes bulging, she pursed her lips.
"Are you serious?"

I nodded in amusement.
Gently slapping my chest, she rolled her eyes. "Don't get any ideas, tough guy."

I threw my hands up in a surrendering motion. "No ideas, here."
Chuckling, she whispered, "I know," under her breath.

She thinks she's so funny, doesn't she?
Shaking my head, I grabbed her hand and led her to the white fixture where kind words were spoken about Devitt just moments ago.

"What are we doing here?" She questioned.

"Just thought you'd want to escape the crowd for a moment, and Nora's ability to suck your energy dry."
She giggled at my response, sending chills down my spine.

As we sat down on the edge of the little building, I let out a sad sigh.
"You okay?"

I shrugged, "I just miss him is all."

I could feel her scoot closer to me, allowing her arm to touch mine and send fireworks throughout my skin. When will this feeling go away? I don't think I want it to.

Sadness suddenly consumed me as I had to fight back tears. I hate that he's gone, it should have been me. He saved my Riah, he didn't deserve to die.
Placing my head in my hands, Riah rubbed my back in a comforting way and repeated the poems I spoke to her the night she came back to me.

Riah POV

After an hour of watching the sun set and comforting Demitri, Nora interrupted us to tell us Demitri was to make a toast.
As we walked into the large dining room filled with people I barely knew, Demitri handed me a glass of red liquid. Once the room grew quiet, he raised his glass, following the rest of us.

"To Devitt, may he rest in peace, and continue to watch over us at Vaena's side. Pokoysya s mirom." With the room repeating his last sentence in Russian, we all took a sip from our glasses.

Squinting as the bittersweet taste explored my mouth, I furrowed my brows.
"It's blood, with a bit of red wine mixed in. Doesn't get us as drunk as a human, but it's pretty good."
I agreed with Demitri as I took another drink of the concoction.

"By the way, Vaena, that's your goddess, right?"
Demitri nodded, "Our goddess."
I shot him a smile as I swished the drink around the glass.

"Riah, Demitri. Hello again." My stomach dropped at the sound of Selene's voice.

"What do you want, Selene?" I questioned through clenched teeth.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now