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Riah POV

Sighing in relief, I zipped my dress off and threw it to the corner of the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I stepped in and cleaned my self off slowly as I was able to calm down under the water.

After rinsing myself off, I climbed out and wrapped my wet body with a fluffy towel. Grabbing some makeup remover, I began taking the crap off my face, when I heard a loud thud come from the room.

Busting out of the bathroom, I spotted Demitri laying on the floor, chuckling, with an empty bottle next to him. I automatically smelt the scent of plasma, and that's when I knew he's been drinking more since we got here.
Rolling my eyes, I walked up to him and bent down.

"Demitri." I hissed as I poked at his face.

Grumbling, his eyes fluttered open. "What?"

"Get up."

Lifting his arm, he smiled sheepishly. "Help me."

I scoffed. "You're a grown ass man. Get up yourself."

But as he sat up, he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me down to the floor on top of him. Gripping the towel so it didn't fall off, I chuckled at his toothy grin.

Shaking my head, I was about to get up, when he gripped me harder.

"I love you."

I sat still for a second, my heart felt as if it tore through my chest and screamed at me.

"What?" I squeaked.

"I love you, Riah. I always have."

Looking at his face, my muscles went weak at the appreciation in his eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I quickly stood up and turned my back to him.

As he got up behind me, he sighed. "You don't have to say it back, love. I just wanted you to know the truth. It's been killing me lately, I just had to get it off my chest."

Running my hand through my wet hair, I turned to face him but still couldn't say anything. Biting my lip, I took a step closer to him and set my hand on his cheek. Searching his features, I pulled him closer as I crashed my lips to his.

He was stunned for a moment, but he soon began kissing me back with so much hunger and love it almost took my breath away. Gripping my hips, he ran his hands up and down my waist as he bit gently at my bottom lip.
Smiling, I ran my hands under his shirt, up his sculpted stomach to his chest. Groaning against his mouth, he pulled me closer to him as he gripped my butt in one of his hands, and the other hand holding the back of my neck. Once he took his hand off my butt, the towel dropped to the floor, exposing my naked body. I would usually freak out and cover myself up, but I didn't care. All I wanted was him.

Realizing I had nothing on, he slowly pulled away and scanned my body hungrily. Biting his lip, he picked me up in a swift motion and placed me onto the bed.

As he left gentle kisses down my jawline to my neck, he stopped at my breasts and looked up at me. Grinning, I nodded, giving him the okay. I want nothing more than to have all of him.
Continuing to kiss down my breast, he stopped at my nipple and placed his lips around it. Twirling his tongue, I arched my back slightly and let out a quiet groan. Nibbling at it, he moved onto the other one and repeated. Once he stopped and hovered over me, I quickly began unbuttoning his shirt. Getting irritated at how long it was taking, I tore it off of his body and threw it on the floor. His muscles flexed as he bent back down to my stomach, licking all the way down to my crotch. I could feel the excitement for him grow as he kissed my thigh lightly, getting closer and closer to my sweet spot. Looking down, I watched him slowly run his tongue up my clit, causing me to grab his hair and moan loudly.
Chuckling, he pressed his tongue harder and moved it faster. As he drove me crazy, my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

Right before I was about to climax, he stopped. Frowning, I opened my eyes. As he was enjoying the view of my naked body, he unzipped his pants and took them off. Once his boxers were gone, I bit my lip while nerves bubbled in my stomach. I scanned his body in astonishment, his sculpted muscles were perfectly formed, a v line was carved all the way down to his member.
Slowly climbing on top of me, he kissed me sweetly.

"Are you sure?" He whispered into my skin.
I nodded, "Please." Was all I could manage to say.

Taking a deep breath, he gently rubbed between my thighs, then slowly pushed himself into me. In a false attempt to keep quiet, I closed my eyes and cried in pleasure.

Demitri POV

The way her soft snores sounded made me smile as I watched her sleep peacefully. Her chest was rising up and down slightly with every breath she took, her soft skin felt like silk under my fingertips as I traced her collarbone.

This woman is the absolute love of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I slowly smirked as I remembered what we had done not too long ago. She felt more amazing than I could have ever imagined. The way she shook as she climaxed drove me crazy. But what I desired most, was the way she kissed me so sweetly as we made love.

Groaning, Riah shifted around and fluttered her eyes open.

Giving me a gorgeous smile, she yawned. "Have you slept yet?"

I shook my head, returning the smile.

She furrowed her brows. "You need to sleep, Demitri."

I shrugged, "I like watching you sleep better, you're so mesmerizing."

Blushing, she quickly hid her face under the blanket. So damn cute. My heart skipped a beat as she peaked her head out and planted a kiss on my lips. 
Pressing her forehead against mine, she looked at me with her beautiful bright eyes.

Biting her lip, she took a deep breath and my heart stopped as the words escaped her mouth, "I love you too."

* So sorry for the short chapter. But yesss they finally admitted their love for each other!! *

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now