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Riah POV

"So, what are they going to do with her?"
Demitri raised his brow as I walked into the living room and sat beside him.

"With Selene."

"She'll be stripped of her High Priestess name, taken out of her clan and left to be a lone vampire."

"Wait, so they're going to let her go?" Irritation bubbled in my stomach.

He nodded. "Once she calms down she'll be set free, but being without a clan is more dangerous then any fate she could face. She'll get what's coming to her."

Sighing, I shook my head. "Why the hell would they let her go?"

"Locking up or even executing her is frowned upon since she was a High Priestess."

"Oh." Looking down at my hands, I twirled my thumbs around.
Slowly setting his hand on my shoulder, he rubbed my neck in a comforting motion.
My muscles melted under his touch a bit as I placed my face in my hands.

"How did you sleep?"

I shook my head again. "Not the best. Yesterday was exhausting."

"I'm sorry love."

"Whatever." I mumbled under my breath.
Are they really going to just let her off after trying to kill The Queen Priestess?

"When a vampire is without a clan, they have no protection whatsoever. And that gives enemies a chance to strike at her. She'd be lucky if she's still alive after a week." His voice was confident, giving me a bit of comfort. I hate the fact that he can feel my emotions.

Demitri took a deep breath, "Do you want to come to Le Club with me? I have to go through some documents. Since you've taken over as second in command, I gotta start showing you the ropes."

"Sure, why not. I have nothing to do anyway."

Laughing, he stood up and stretched his arms out, revealing his toned stomach. On his lower left hip was a medium sized marking, to which I realized was the clan emblem. I bit my lips as I searched the treasure trail that led from his belly button, down.
Before I could look away, he caught me staring and shot me a smirk.

"Like what you see?" He asked in a husky tone.

Blushing, I pushed myself off the couch and made my way through the front door. Ignoring his question, I quickly got into his truck and buckled into the seat.
As he climbed in after me, he was still smiling.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Don't let it get to your head." I huffed.

Turning the vehicle on, we backed out of the driveway and made our way to the club. We both kept quiet the whole way there, enjoying each others company.

Le Clubs parking lot was empty other than a few cars scattered around. After pulling into the back lot, we climbed out together and made our way to the back doors. Once Demitri unlocked them, he held it open for me and swayed his hand, gesturing for me to walk in before him.

Bowing my head, I walked into the club. The last time I was here, I met the clan for the first time. Thinking back to that day makes me laugh. I had no idea how crazy things would get.

As I followed Demitri up to his office by the VIP rooms, I couldn't help but notice a large portrait hanging on the wall of the room I first met Devitt in. Arching my brow in curiosity, I slowly walked up to it.

It was a painting of Devitt, he was sitting at a large desk in a fancy looking office. It was obviously an old painting, as there was a yellow tint beginning to hinder the paint.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now