51: Valediction

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* Short Last Chapter *

The melody of violins played as I looked at her peaceful face. She's in a better place now, one where men like Callum can't get to her anymore. Placing my hand on her cheek, I whispered 'I love you' into the air. Setting a red rose next to her, I stepped away as Alyssa shuffled towards her mother.

"I'm going to miss you mommy." She whispered quietly as she placed another rose in the casket and turned back to me.

Grabbing her hand, I led her back to our chairs beside Demitri.
As the priest spoke kind words about my aunt, his voice turned to whispers as I stared at the casket. I could almost see her spirit leave her body.

After the man finished a few prayers, the casket was closed slowly and the men began lowering her into the ground.

The pain in my heart has numbed me to the point where I can't feel a thing. Alyssa's sobbing at night has slowed down a bit, regardless if it's only been a week. The color in her face is returning, which is good. And she eats now. It took a week, but she's finally consuming a whole meal each time she eats. She doesn't really talk much, but when she does, it's usually only to me. Demitri and Alec make her kind of nervous, but she likes Nora.

When I told her about her missing father, she wasn't too upset about it, she never really knew him that much. I also told her about moving, she was not very happy about leaving America, but I refuse to let her go into a foster home.

In my aunts will, she stated she wants me to become Alyssa's guardian, and even signed the right papers to give her over to me before she passed. It's like she knew she was going to die.

After signing the papers the other day, Alyssa officially became my responsibility. It's scary, being responsible for a whole life. But with the councils help, I know she's in good hands.

I haven't quite decided how I'm going to tell her about the whole vampire thing, though. She hasn't really asked much about anything, except my marking. All I said was its a tattoo I got and wanted to hide it from her mom. It doesn't seem to bother her when I hide it in public, either. Her mind is in a completely different place than here.

It pains me to see her going through what I went through at her age. I want to take the pain away and take her away from it, but no matter if we go to France, Germany, or even space, she will always be reminded of her loss.

But I will do my best to make her childhood as good as possible. I will make sure she grows to be the amazing woman she is destined to be.
No one will ever go before her, not even Demitri.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I felt Alyssa tug at the sleeve of my dress. "Yes?" I whispered.

"Where is she?" She didn't clarify who, but I knew.

"She's in heaven, honey. She's with the angels now."

Smiling sadly, she nodded her head and slumped back into her seat.

After the priest was finished blessing my aunts casket, the crowd of friends and neighbors dissipated as we stayed behind to toss another rose on top her. Giving Alyssa a flower, we both threw them in and watched them flutter down.
Blowing a kiss in the air, I held out my hand for Alyssa to take. As she grabbed it gently, I slowly led her to where Demitri, Nora and Alec were standing. As Demitri looked over at us, he smiled sweetly and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Are you girls ready to go home?"

Looking down at Alyssa, she nodded slowly. Once we said our last goodbye, we left the cemetery behind, and our past along with it.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now