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* Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me if you'd like! By the way, the pic is what Riah's necklace looks like. It's also a close representation of the other clan members jewelry(: *

Riah POV

Pain numbed my body, making my mind empty of any emotions other than confusion and fear. My wrists were red and raw from my attempts at yanking the chains off the floor, and my head was pounding consistently.

After that man gave me an apple, I haven't seen anyone since. I can quite literally feel my body devouring itself. I mean, who gives a fucking vampire an apple knowing they need blood? Whoever this is, they know I'm not human so what are they playing at? Tease the vampire until she starves to death? Fucking vultures.

As I let my emotions consume me, I placed my head between my knees and sobbed into my hands. After a few moments, I suddenly felt a rush of air and a presence of another vampire. Turning around to look behind me, a blurry figure against the wall stood still. Once I could make out who it was, he disappeared.

"Demitri." I whispered, still shocked at what I just saw.

Demitri was in this room, just a moment ago. How is that possible?

Suddenly I remembered I'm also half vampire, a wolf pack is out to kill me, and I've been kidnapped so apparently nothing is impossible in this shit world. Taking a deep breath, I pressed my back up against the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I need to find a way out of here, but I don't even know who took me, let alone know where I am.

The feeling of hopelessness darkened my soul like poison, and my heart ached for answers. In another attempt to yank the chains out of the floor, my hand slipped and smacked me in the face immediately causing blood to rush to my lip. Irritated at myself, I went to go wipe the blood off my mouth, when it dripped onto my tongue. I shivered, allowing the liquid to strengthen my fatigued bones. I guess a pro to being Dhampir is the fact that my blood is still consumable. Once a person becomes full vampire, their blood is basically useless to other vamps because it holds no nutritional values we need to help hunger. But since I'm still half human, my blood holds plenty.

Wiping my mouth off, I looked down at my hands and watched a tear drip onto the cold concrete floor. The feeling of weakness shattered me into pieces and the only thing I knew would make this all go away is Demitri.

But he's not here, and I'm the only person who can get myself out of this mess. Rubbing my temples, I heard a loud noise come from outside the door. As I looked up, the metal door swung open and a man walked in confidently and shut it behind him.

I scanned his face, his almond eyes were full of rage. His expression was emotionless, his arms crossed. Arching his brow, he knelt down and reached out to touch my face. Confused, I flinched away in disgust and moved as far from him as I could.

"Who are you?" I spat.

Letting out a low chuckle, his eyes grew darker as he clenched his jaw. "I would have thought you'd know by now, darling."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Why the fuck would I know you?" I fought the bile rising in my throat.

Chuckling again, he leaned closer. "Our families go way back, Riah." The way he spoke my name sent chills down my spine.

"Who are you?" I repeated, irritated.

Ignoring my question, the man rubbed his chin and looked up at the ceiling.

"Demitri will find me." I hissed, but I wasn't too sure how true my statement was.

Standing up, the man turned to me before he left the room. "I'm counting on it, darling." And with that, he walked out the room and locked the door behind him.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now