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Riah POV

My eyes stung as I opened them slowly, the oddly bright light hanging above me flickered annoyingly. I sighed in defeat as I remembered where I am. As if on cue, Callum busted through the large door and sauntered up to me, a disgusting smile plastered on his face.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" He questioned, his French accent sending shivers down my core.

I clicked my tongue against my cheek in irritation. "No."

He knelt down in front of me and gave me a phony, sympathetic expression. "I bet you're hungry."

I sat still, not willing to show any weakness. I'm starving, but he can't know how desperate I am. Slowly, Callum reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a vile. I flinched, assuming it was more holy water. But when he popped the top off, the enticing smell overwhelmed my senses and my mouth began watering.

I widened my eyes and clenched my jaw.

"How about I give you some of this." He swished the liquid around, causing a drop to fall onto the floor. "And you give me the location of every single warehouse The Bratva owns."

I snickered, "Forget it. I'd rather die of starvation then tell you anything." I spat.

He flared his nostrils. "That's not a very good idea, darling."

Rolling my eyes, I narrowed my gaze. "Even if I knew where any of them were located, I would never fucking tell you. You can't bribe your way into getting information." I spoke with disgust.

He tilted his head back and chuckled. "Oh, Riah. Still so naïve. That's how the mafia works, sweetheart, didn't you know?"

I swear I'm going to fucking kill this man once I get my freedom back, on my aunts life I will.

Vile still in his hand, Callum swiftly spun it between his fingers. And without a second thought, he poured the contents onto my lap and tossed the glass to the other side of the room. Standing up, he turned to leave the room, but not before looking back at me and gripping my arm tightly. With a quick motion, a bottle appeared in his hand. Opening it, his eyes lit up as he poured the water onto my bare skin.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled away as my flesh bubbled beneath the liquid. After emptying the holy water all over my arms, Callum finally left the room and locked the door behind him.

I sighed in relief as I realized he was done with me, for now. Scanning the room, my eyes filled with tears as a feeling of defeat brushed over me. I'm never going to get out of here, am I?

Demitri POV

"Are we ready?" I questioned Alec as a large group of vampires marched into multiple vans almost as if they were S.W.A.T.

He nodded, placing his gun into it's holster. "And the bullets, are they all silver?"

"Yes, I double checked all of them before loading the guns."

"Good. You take the middle van, I'll take that one." I pointed to the vehicles as we separated, then climbed in. Buckling into the passenger seat, I nodded to the driver, giving him the OK to start the van. As we made our way through the back streets, nerves settled in my stomach as I could feel myself getting closer to her.

It was pitch black out, the perfect time to raid the building. And we have four vans packed with vampire soldiers ready to attack the moment we step foot on the land. I will get you back, Riah.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now