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The house seemed to feel a little lonelier today, a little quieter. Colors seemed duller, and everything just felt blah. Sighing, I placed my glass cup in the sink and stared out the window to the outside world. Couples were walking dogs, kids were at play. The world just continued to move on as if there hasn't been tragedy soaking the air.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the counter in attempt to center my mind. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. The way Devitt's lifeless eyes peered at me felt as if they were searing into my soul. Gasping, I slid down to the kitchen floor and placed my head in my hands. Holding back tears, I bit my lip.

"Riah?" I jumped at the sudden sound of Demitri's voice.

Looking into his eyes, I gave him a weak smile. As I watched him carefully sit down across from me, I twirled the hem of my t shirt in distraught.

"You okay?" He questioned softly.

For a moment I just searched his face, then glanced back down at my hands and shook my head.
Sighing, Demitri grabbed my hand in his and rubbed his thumb across my palm.

"I miss him too." For a moment we sat on the floor in silence, looking into each others eyes.

"He's dead because of me." I blurted, my voice shaking.

"No, don't think like that. it's no ones fault but the wolf who killed him. You can't blame yourself." Without a second thought, Demitri wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap.

Still holding back tears, I buried my face into his chest. The way his body felt against mine calmed my muscles as he rubbed my back in circular motions. Pulling away, I searched his beautiful features. Grabbing my face, he stroked my cheek gently. My heart skipped a beat, and before I could stop myself, I pressed my lips to his.

As his hands gripped my waist, I bit at his bottom lip. Letting out a low groan, Demitri parted his lips, allowing me to gently twirl my tongue around his. With my hands gripping the back of his neck, I ran my fingers through his curly hair and tugged softly.

Smiling between kisses, Demitri stood up and wrapped me around his waist in a swift motion, then quickly left the kitchen without parting lips. Before I knew it, we were in my room as he pressed my back up against the door.

Pulling away, I frowned as he stopped kissing me, until he continued down my jawline. Letting out a quiet groan, I could feel him smirk against my skin as he nibbled at the nape of my neck. Shaking in anticipation, we moved to the bed. After a moment of gently twirling his tongue on my collarbone, he began planting small kisses down my chest. Once he got to my stomach, he stopped.

I gave him a curious look.

"We can't." He whispered hesitantly.

Running my hands through his hair, I nodded. "I know."

Kissing him once more, I sat up and straightened my shirt out. Sitting beside me, Demitri rubbed his neck and gave me a smirk.

He sighed, "Riah, I have to tell you something."

I bit my lip, "Yeah?"

For a moment he didn't say anything, just searched my face. Then in a huff, he spoke. "Do you ever wonder why we have such a strong connection? How we can sense each other even if we aren't close together?"  

I nodded slowly. I've been waiting for this conversation since Callum first peeked my interest about the topic. But nothing could have prepared me for what he said next.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now