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Demitri POV

Her lips tasted like honey, her skin felt like silk and her hair smelt like lavender. The way she groaned between our kiss made my skin hum in delight. Her legs were wrapped around my waist as her plump lips curved perfectly with mine. Her delicate hands slid up my chest to the back of my neck, causing shivers to spread down my spine. I couldn't get enough of her, I didn't want to stop this amazing moment.

But with the sound of a stick breaking, she jumped and pulled away. Looking over to the noise, a small bird was perched on the grass. I let out a laugh, then frowned as she stepped away from me and turned her back towards me.

I stood up and watched her run her hands through her long, black hair. I gently grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head. "We can't do this, Demitri." I scrunched my face.

"Why not?"

She took a deep breath, "Because we are two completely different people. There's too much going on right now, and there's too many factors pointing against us."

I stepped away from her in defense, allowing the walls to go back up, blocking all emotions. Pursing my lips, I turned and walked back to the truck without a word.

On our way back to the house, I had to try my hardest not to tell her about the mating. Because even though we are destined to be together, she isn't ready to know that yet. And no matter how much I want to deny it, she was right when she said there's too much going on. Her safety comes before anything, even my desire to have her skin against mine.

The moment I stopped my truck in front of Nora's house, Riah jumped out, slammed the door and shuffled to the front entrance. I sighed as I watched her look over her shoulder before she closed the door behind her. For a moment I almost gave in and ran after her, but I know it won't change a thing.

Riah POV

Anger rushed through my core as I pushed the door shut and leaned against it for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I ran up the stairs to the second kitchen where we keep the blood.

Nora gave me my own key after she made sure I was strong enough to have as much as I needed. After I unlocked the door and shut it behind me, I made my way to one of the fridges, opened it and snatched a bag out of it. As I sat down, I ripped the bag open with my teeth and poured it into a glass cup. Running my hand through my hair, I slowly sipped at the liquid. I cleared my throat and swished the blood around the brim.

What happened between Demitri and I kept running through my mind, over and over again. His lips were more perfect than I could have imagined, the way his body felt under mine was so warm and welcoming.

The sound of the door behind me made me jump, causing me to turn and see who it was. I met Marcels gaze and gave him a weak smile.

"What's up?" I asked, taking another drink out of the glass cup.

After grabbing a bag from the fridge and sitting beside me, he poured the contents into his own cup and cleared his throat.

"Just got back from the warehouse. Set up some new cameras and security systems. What's up with you?" He arched his brow as he tilted his cup to his mouth and drank.

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes. "Nothing new I guess. Got into a little fight with Demitri, but nothing too serious." I shrugged and rubbed my temples.

"Yeah, he can get a little intense sometimes."

I agreed as I gulped down the last bit of red liquid in my cup and stood up. Without a word, I left the room. I was about to turn down the hall, when I heard an unfamiliar voice come from downstairs. Curious, I quietly tip toed down the stairs and carefully made my way into the kitchen.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now