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Yawning as I walked into the kitchen, I smiled at Nora and sat down at the breakfast nook. She turned to me and grinned.

"Hey girly, how'd you sleep?"

I shrugged, "Decent, I guess. I didn't have any crazy dreams last night, which is rare."

She nodded, "I bet that was nice."

I gave her a small smile while she handed me a cup. I swished the red liquid around the brim and sipped at it. Licking my lips, Demitri waltzed into the room and planted himself next to me. His intoxicating smell welcomed me, almost knocking me out of my chair. His eyes met mine and it was as if everything around us disappeared for a moment. He cleared his throat and looked down at his hands.

Gulping down the last bit of blood in my cup, I stood up. "I'm gonna go shower quick."

While they both nodded, I turned and left the kitchen.

After finding the perfect temperature, I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the warm, calming water. Sighing, I scrubbed my body with my lavender body wash. Once I was finished, I rinsed myself off and slowly got out.

After a few days of dealing with the truth that I killed a werewolf, I've come close to accepting that I did what had to be done. It still haunts me, but the guilt is getting easier to deal with. If I could go back to my past self before coming to France, and tell myself what was to come, I probably would have laughed in my face and walked away.

Once I stepped into my clothes and tamed my hair, I made my way down stairs to meet Devitt, Nora and Demitri in the living room.

As I sat beside Nora, I gave them all a concerned look.

"Did i miss something?" I asked.

Demitri sighed, "A werewolf broke into one of the warehouses last night and killed two clan members guarding the front. Luckily, Devitt was able to stop him from destroying anything inside the building. But he escaped, and now Ironpaw knows the location of one of the warehouses."

I bit my lip, "So we move locations?"

Devitt chuckled, "Riah we can't just change locations, the transfer alone would be risky. How would we even find the right location? It was hard enough finding buildings before, but now? It would be near impossible with all the new businesses opening and the Chechen closing in."

I clicked my tongue against my cheek and squinted my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I shrugged. "I'm not necessarily experienced in stuff like this, so I'm not completely sure what to do, but I do know I'll help in any way I can."

Demitri straightened his posture and opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he could, "Demitri I know you want to protect me, but it's been a few days now and I'm feeling a lot better. Stronger, actually." I gave him a reassuring smile.

He relaxed a bit, "I know, Riah. But you need to learn how to harness your abilities first. We've all trained before, now it's your turn."

"Today then."

He raised his eyebrow.

"I'll start my training today. With you." I kept my eyes on him.

He laughed heavily, allowing his shoulders to shake. "With me? I was thinking more like Nora."

I crossed my arms and narrowed my gaze. "That is so sexist. I'm training with you or I don't train at all."

Demitri threw his hands up in defeat, "You got it boss. We start when I get back." He stood up and walked towards the door with Devitt following close behind. "I'm going to the church to speak with Marbella. We'll be back in an hour."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now