46: You Can't Hide Forever

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Riah POV

The next two weeks were calm, almost too calm. Nothing hectic happened, aside from a few men trying to get into one of the warehouses and a couple big deals with some sellers, all was good. I slept at Demitri's house most of the days, occasionally coming home to get some alone time and check on Nora.

"You two seem to be getting along well." Nora shot me a wink.

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes. "Why wouldn't we? He's amazing."

She arched her brow as her eyes got wide. "You love him."

Choking on my drink, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.
"I never said that."

"But you didn't deny it." Bouncing in excitement, she squealed. "I knew it I knew it I knew it."

Heat rose to my cheeks as I looked down at the table. "Maybe."

"Have you told him yet?"
I nodded slowly.

I sipped at my drink and swirled it around in my mouth. "He loves me too."

I could almost hear her mind literally blow as her giddiness got uncontrollable. "This calls for a celebration bitch!"

Glaring at her, I tilted my head.

"We are going to the club. Go get ready like now, we leave in 20."

Groaning, I sat still for a moment and giggled at her narrowed gaze. Throwing my hands up, I stood up and made my way upstairs. "Fine, fine. I'll get ready."

Once I got into my room, I took a deep breath and opened my closet up to reveal my clothes. As I pulled a black dress off a hanger and grabbed my stilettos, I hurriedly threw my hair up in a messy pony tail. Finally getting the damn dress zipped up, I grabbed my clutch off the dresser and jogged to the kitchen.

"Took you long enough."
She was in a hot pink, tight dress with the back revealed and black heals.

Scoffing, I slid into my shoes. "Where are we going?"

While we walked through the front door, she locked it and shot me a grin. "Le Club. But don't worry, the boys won't be there tonight."

Nodding, I climbed into her car and buckled up. I really don't want to go anywhere else, it's so much safer to stay in our own territory.
Scanning Nora as she bounced around while listening to music and driving, I chuckled to myself. When I first met her I really did not imagine her this sweet and caring. But it makes sense, she's scary as hell when you fuck with her but if your family, she does anything in her power to keep you comfortable and happy.

Pulling into the parking lot, we got out of the vehicle and swayed to the front door hand in hand. Almost immediately after the guard saw us, he waved us in and stopped all other people from getting in our way. The energy in the club was lighter than last time I was here and the crowd was a little thinner, but it felt right. Good vibes swarmed the room as we walked up to the bar and sat at the stools.

"I'll have a margarita, and my lovely friend will go with a.." She glanced at me, arching her brow.
"Rum and coke, please."

Once the bartender nodded and began making our drinks, I searched around us. Couples fueled by alcohol and probably molly were dancing seductively as the lights on the ceiling blinked to the beat of the music blaring through the many speakers spread around the room.

Handing us our drinks, the bartender gave me a toothy grin as Nora and I made our way to the VIP room upstairs. Passing the painting of Devitt, I blew a kiss in the air for him and leaned against the railing that overlooked everyone below us.
Standing beside me, Nora took a sharp breath. As I looked over at her, a large smile spread across her face.

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