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Feeling my teeth with my finger, my hands began shaking as I realized two of them were sharper. I widened my eyes and gasped.
"Why now?" I questioned.

Devitt shrugged. "There's no real timeline to when they come in, they just do. History suggests that fangs come in when a vampire is mentally strong enough to handle the change. But no one knows for sure."

"So this is real. I'm not human.." I quietly trailed off, still pressing my finger to my tooth.

"And you didn't believe it was real when you craved the taste of blood?" He snickered.

I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw. "No, I didn't. Sorry to inform you but the idea of vampires and werewolves is kind of taboo to humans."

His head fell back as he laughed again. "You aren't human though."

Ignoring him, I turned around and left him standing there. Making my way down the stairs to the living room, I spotted Nora sitting on the couch watching tv. She turned to me and smiled.

Her face suddenly dropped and she smelt the air. "Why do you have blood on your arms?"

Looking down, I noticed I haven't cleaned the blood off my arm yet. I wiped it away, and noticed the gashes in my arms that I caused were gone. Shaking my head, I met her gaze.

"My fangs came in."

Her eyes got wide as she smiled. "No way! That's awesome. It can be nerve racking at first, but you'll get used to them and in no time, you'll be able to control when they come in and go away and what not."

She straightened her posture and bounced around in excitement. I gave her a confusing look and sat on the chair. "Why are you so excited?" I asked.

"Getting your fangs is the first milestone towards completing your vampirism..." Her voice grew silent as she spoke.

"First  milestone? What do you mean, first?"

She bit her lip and stared down at her hands. "You have to go through certain stages in order to meet to your full potential and live out your life in perfect health."

For a moment I almost laughed, this could not get any worse. I sighed in disbelief and shot out of the chair.

"Of course this isn't over. I can't deal with this right now. I'm going for a walk." Before she could protest, I flew through the front door and made my way to the street.

This was the first time I've been alone in a long time, and it honestly feels great. I know they just want to help, but its suffocating. I just want to go home and see my family, but I can't. My presence could put them in danger and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them. I don't even know what I'm going to do about college. By the looks of it, I won't be going any time soon. If not, ever. My life isn't normal anymore and I can't handle it.

As I continued walking through the giant neighborhood, the sun started to rise making the sky a beautiful hue of orange. Stopping at a small park by a pond, I sat on a bench and rubbed my temples. How I even expected to have my life go my way for at least a month is beyond me.

After a few minutes of thinking, the sound of a branch snapping behind me startled me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. Reluctantly turning to what the sound was, I gasped at the figure before me.

The wolf growled as it took another step closer. I stood up and backed away slowly, only to trip on a small rock in the grass and fall on my back.

Wincing as pain shot through my body, I made an attempt at crawling away, but he was already hovering over me. Before I could stop it, he clawed at my face then clamped his jaw around my arm. I screamed and grabbed its hair, pulling and ripping at it as best I could.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now