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Stretching my arms over my head and yawning, I shuffled into the living room where Nora was watching the morning news.

Turning to me, she gave me a wide smile. "Good morning sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?"

Shrugging, I plopped onto the couch. "A little groggy, but I'm good. Why?"

Biting her lip, a nervous look spread across her face. "Well, today is the day you learn how to hunt."

Barely fazed, I took a sharp breath and nodded. "Yup. I know."

Nerves sprang in my stomach as I went through possibilities of how today will go.
Since my change last week, and the marking, my anxiety has gone down like crazy. But with things like learning to hunt, it still freaked me out a bit.

"Where's Alec?" I questioned, raising my brow.

"At the warehouse with the boys. We'll have the house to ourselves all day." She shrugged. "Anyway, shall we?"

"Shall we what?"

"Go hunt."

Looking into her eyes, I tilted my head. "Wouldn't we do that when it's dark?"

"Naw, I know how to not be seen. We'll be good." Standing up, she stretched her hand out. Taking it, I turned the TV off and followed her outside to the car.

Climbing in, she turned the ignition over and we slowly pulled out of the driveway. Humming delightfully, Nora bobbed her head to the Russian music playing through the speakers.

After being around them for over about two months, I've started to really pick up on the language. I can say basic things like greetings, opening sentences, and simple shit like that. I'm actually excited to learn more, it's a beautiful language.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, staring out the window.

"There's a park with a secluded trail in town, I'd take you to the one by the house but it can be somewhat triggering to go to the place of your abduction, so..." She trailed off, her voice cracking slightly.

Nodding, I plastered on a smile. "Awe, taking me on a date down town."
My attempt at lightening the mood worked, as she giggled at my statement.

"At least I take you out, unlike Demitri."

Bursting into laughter, I could barely breathe as I clutched my stomach. "No way, he takes me to the gym for dates."

Jaw dropping, Nora's eyes widened in shock. "Riah!"

Covering my mouth with my hand, we stared at each other for a second before breaking into laughter again.

"It's too true." I squeaked.

After a few minutes of joking back and forth, we pulled into a parking lot of a park with a garden lining the walkway and a bridge stretching over a small pond.

"This place is so cute." I gasped as we got out of the vehicle.

Skipping along Nora, we made our way through the winding trail and into a secluded area with trees surrounding us and no one around.

"So, I'll talk you through it. But it's not hard, you'll get the hang of it."

Nodding, my eyes landed on a middle aged man jogging by us.

"Okay, so what you'll need to do is compel him to stay quiet and stand still so he doesn't scream. When you get your fill, stop feeding and compel him to forget what happened and just keep jogging."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now