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Riah POV

"Have a safe trip, Willow. We hope to see you at our marking ritual soon." Demitri's voice echoed throughout the now empty house as he shut the door. 

As he glanced at me, I quickly turned away and shuffled up the stairs into my room. After a long day of mingling and meeting some pretty important people, it feels amazing to step out of my lacey dress and into some comfortable sweats. 

Falling into my bed, I stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath. 
I've barely had time to sort through my thoughts, and now that I'm alone, my mind is overflowing with confusion.

I miss my family, my aunt and my cousin. I miss Cassy. I miss David.
Sighing, my stomach clenched at the memory of my mother. I haven't dreamt of her since before I changed. I still have a suspicion that Callum killed her. When I was in his captivity, I didn't really have the thought to ask him. I was more focused on surviving. But after everything calmed down a bit, I can't stop thinking about it.

My father, I mean Scott, was so sure on the fact that she was killed. But every time I bring it up, the clan just shuts down. Quickly sitting up, I remembered the church. There's a room full of documents of every known vampire death in the coven. Although she wasn't a vampire, she was Sirius's mate, so she should have a one. If I can just get my hands on the key, I could search for my mothers. 

Pushing myself off my bed, I quietly slipped through my door and tip toed to the guest room where Marbella has been staying.

Before I could knock, the door flew open and there stood Marbella.

"I could feel your presence, come in."
Opening the door just enough for me to slide in, she shut it behind her and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Is everything okay?"

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, uhm, I was actually wondering if you could do me a favor."

"Of course hun, I'm always here to help."

Taking a sharp breath, I glanced down at the floor, then back into her eyes. "I need the key to the file room."

Arching her brow, she opened her mouth to protest, then quickly closed it. "You want to find your mothers death files, don't you?"

"Yeah.." I admitted awkwardly.

Shrugging, she pulled a set of keys out of her pocket and handed them to me. 
"I was never able to bring myself to read them, but I was always suspicious about the suicide story. The Capital council handles the files and sends them to the correct clan, so I never had to look at them. But you deserve to know the truth. Go through the back doors, the yellow key unlocks it and the red one unlocks the file room."

Smiling weakly, I wrapped my arms around her in a quick hug. "Thank you so much, Marbella. I don't know how I could ever repay you." 

Pulling away, she gave me a sincere expression. "Just don't tell Demitri I gave you the keys, please. I don't want him upset with me, and be careful. I wouldn't want him finding out you're going there alone, or at all. Something tells me he isn't being completely truthful about her death."

A feeling of disappointment sank in my stomach, even though I knew something was off. I don't necessarily think he means to hide something from us for some evil reason, but there is a reason behind it. 

Gently planting a kiss on Marbella's cheek, I quietly left her room and made my way downstairs. As I looked into the living room, I spotted Demitri watching TV beside Nora and Alec. 

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now