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Demitri POV

I looked into her eyes, fear cursed her beautiful features. Her skin looked flushed and I could see her knees shaking.

"Nora, she's in shock. We need to get her to the church." I quickly retracted my fangs and ran towards Riah. As I wrapped her arm around my neck, she tried to pull away but she was too weak.

Nora quickly pulled her car up to the end of the alley. I carefully placed Riah in the back seat and got in next to her, attempting to catch my breath.

The whole way to the church felt like hours, when in reality it was only minutes. I kept my eyes on her, making sure she didn't seize out the way new vamps can after experiencing extreme mental trauma.

Fuck, why did Nora think it was a good idea to go out tonight? Especially so close to Ironpaw territory. She knows Riah isn't strong enough until she has her first taste of blood. I shook my head and glanced at Nora.

"I know what you're thinking, and I agree. What I did was stupid and not well thought out. I just wanted to get her out of the house for a night." She spoke up, sighing. 

"Then why didn't you just bring her to Le Club?" I raised my brow.

She peered at me through the rearview mirror, then back to the road. "Because she has been really off lately and I know it's because of the effect you have on her. And until the mating ritual is completed, if it's completed, I have to do whatever it takes to make her feel as comfortable as possible."

I narrowed my eyes, "If ?"

She shrugged, "She's a stubborn girl Demitri. Who knows if she'll even allow the mating to happen."

I ignored her statement and looked back at Riah, she was still staring off into space, her skin looked even paler and she was still shaking.

"We're here, get her into the church. I have to park the car and I'll meet you in there. Hurry." I nodded and got out of the back seat.

"Riah, love, if you can hear me I need you to stay calm. Everything will be okay." I spoke softly into her ear as I gently pulled her out of the back seat, held her bridal style and kicked the door shut.

She groaned a few times as I ran through the front doors, through the basement door, and down the main hall into the infirmary where Marbella was sitting at her desk.

She immediately stood up and ran to us, shocked at Riah's condition.

"What happened?" She questioned, leading us into an empty room with a bed and an IV drip.

"She was almost attacked by one of the Ironpaw members. Before he lunged at her, I showed up and killed him. She saw my fangs and went into shock." I hesitated before lying her onto the small bed.

Marbella nodded as she inserted a needle into Riah's arm and began the hydration therapy. She sighed and peered into my eyes.

"I know you said she hasn't had her first taste of blood yet, but she's reacting differently to the shock than a usual fledgling would. Are you absolutely positive she hasn't had any?"

I searched Riah, then averted my gaze back to Marbella. "Not that I've seen. I mean she was born half vampire, maybe her being Dhampir could have something to do with it."

Marbella shrugged, "Well yes, but her body wasn't effected by the vampire half until she hit age 18. So she would have reacted the same way as a turned childe."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now