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After Demitri stormed out of the house the other day, I haven't seen him since. Although what he said in the kitchen really bothered me, I still missed him. My heart hurt more and more each passing hour without him. So when I saw him leaning against the door as I walked down the stairs to leave for the naming ceremony, my heart felt as if it mended back together.

"I missed you." I gave him a weak smile as I walked up to him.

Returning the smile, he looked into my eyes. "I've missed you, too."
Once Nora met us at the door with Alec holding her hand, we left the house and got into the car.

"Are we picking Marcel up?" I questioned as I buckled into my seat.

Demitri nodded as we left the neighborhood. "Yeah, Petra and Aleksandra are meeting us there. By the way, you look amazing."

Blushing, I looked down at my dress. It was a maroon color, with a tight waistline and a sparkly skirt. Rubies were also encrusted all over the top of it.

"Thank you."

I love the fact that red is our trademark color, it has always looked amazing on me. Scanning Demitri, I smiled at his red silk button up and black dress pants. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his strong arms and a golden watch around his right wrist.

You look pretty good yourself.

With a smile spreading across his face, his dimples made me giddy. He's so handsome.

Once we finally picked Marcel up, we happily began the route to Troyes. Demitri tried to turn on some Russian music, but I quickly turned the station to an American one and sang along to the country song blaring through the speakers.

After a few songs, one familiar song began playing as Marcel and I both looked at each other and gasped with excitement.

The song playing was Bottoms Up by Brantley Gilbert, and it was one of Devitt's favorite songs that we listened to the day we went to the museum. My heart felt as if it was going to burst while Marcel and I screamed along horribly.
We didn't care about the fact that Demitri, Nora and Alec were making fun of us, because we were having a moment together and that moment will last a lifetime.

Giggling, we both sighed and shook our heads as the song ended. "Rest in peace Devitt, rest in peace."


Pulling up to the capital palace, I gasped and climbed out of the truck. After Petra and Aleksandra pulled up and met us in the lot, we made our way to the building.

"This place is amazing." I admitted, wrapping my arm around Demitri's.

It was huge, too. Grand windows were scattered here and there across the walls in an asymmetrical pattern, along with overhanging crenellations holding men with large guns strapped to their backs. We had to go through a huge metal gate in order to get in.
Fields of nothingness outside the palace allowed the ability to see people coming far before they could pose a threat.
It's clear the palace has stood the test of time, the rocks forming the walls were aged with vines and plants growing inside the cracks, but it's also clear it will stand for many more years to come.
While we walked up to the large glass doors, they swung open revealing a tall man with dark glasses framing his face and a tux fit perfectly to his body.

"Right this way, Bloodworth Clan."

Doing as he said, we all followed him through an extravagant hall with marble floors and golden walls, and entered a ginormous ball room full of people in gowns and tuxedos.

Plastering on a fake smile, I allowed Demitri to lead me down the large stairs to the crowd of vampires mingling in the middle of the room.

"You made it!" Swaying up to us in a tight yellow dress was Rosalyn.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now