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* Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me if you'd like(: S/N: The picture is what I'd imagine Riah's dresses look like, first being her dress for the change ceremony, second for after party, and third for the mating ritual *

The next few days seemed to go by in a flash. I avoided Demitri as much as I could, I just couldn't sort through my feelings for him right now. My heart ached for loss.
The drive to the garden felt like agony, the closer we got, the more I hurt.

I know I didn't know Devitt for very long, but he was like a brother to me. I loved him, he was family. Now that he's gone, I feel awkward and somewhat lonely without his surprise pop ups, cocky attitude and charm.

Once we pulled up to a large house, I gave Nora a confused look.
"It's our home away from home. If we lose someone, we have the funeral out back where a large, beautiful garden grows."

I gave her an 'oh' look, then climbed out of the car. As Demitri and Marcel pulled up behind us, Aleksandra and Petra weren't far behind. While we made our way into the large house, I searched the marble floors, gold décor, and the fancy rooms we passed. But we weren't here to admire it's beauty, in fact, we were here to mourn family.

Following Alec and Nora to a giant glass door at the back, we stepped through and were instantly greeted by an older looking man in a tuxedo.

"Good evening Bloodworth Clan council. It's so nice to see you again, I've missed you all."
With a warm smile, Nora embraced him in a hug.

"Oh Charlie, we've missed you too."
As his chocolate eyes searched the crowd, they landed on me, followed by a welcoming grin.
"And you must be Riah. I've heard lots about you, you're more gorgeous than I could have imagined."

Smiling in confusion, I thanked him and happily gave him a hug. His personality made me giddy, he has such a calming aura.

"Follow me, the ceremony is this way."
Once we made our way through an elaborate garden, we ended up in an open area with people sitting on chairs, and a view of the lake. As we sat down in front, I couldn't help but feel a little relieved that Demitri sat beside me. Although I'm mad at him, I still need his support right now.

Listening to the people speak about Devitt caused a throbbing pain to spread through my body. He was so loved and cared for.
After Marbella said a few things, she looked at me and smiled sweetly.
"Riah, would you like to say a few words?"

I looked around as if there was another Riah in the crowd, then heat rose to my cheeks as I realized everyone's attention was on me. Taking a second to breathe, I stood up and took Marbella's place at the white structure between the lake, and the people.

Clearing my throat, I managed a small smile and placed my hands on the stand. White roses decorated the wood, representing a vampire loss.

"As some of you know, I didn't know Devitt for very long." I scanned the crowd of faces. "But the little time I did know him, was amazing. He was an outstanding, caring man. Although stubborn at times, " I stopped as everyone chuckled. "He did whatever he could to help his family. He saved me, and I will continue to live life as full as I can, for him. I will forever miss him showing up at random times, scaring the life out of me. I will forever miss his quirky attitude, and his welcoming charm. I will forever miss hearing him call me princess." A tear streamed down my cheek as I swallowed the lump in my throat. "But most of all, I'm going to miss him. Rest in paradise Devitt, you're safe now."
Bowing my head, I returned to my seat and let the tears continue flowing.

"That was beautiful." Demitri whispered into my ear as he grasped my hand gently.
The warmth of his skin managed to calm my sobs just enough to clear my face and bare through the rest of the funeral.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now