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Riah POV

Once we got back to the house, we climbed out of the truck and kept quiet as we walked through the front door.

Sitting beside Nora in the living room was Willow and a woman I've never seen before, with two body guard's standing peacefully at each side of the room.

"Willow!" I squeaked in excitement as I made my way to her and perched myself on the love seat.

Once her eyes landed on me, she lit up with a warm smile. "Riah, I was just asking about you. How are you feeling baby girl?"

I nodded, "I'm great, I feel stronger everyday and I'm starting to harness my abilities better. What brings you all the way to Amiens?"

"I wanted you to meet Amaris, she is to be named High Priestess of The Diluculum Clan in a few days in Selene's place."

Giving her a large grin, I reached my hand out.
Shaking my hand, Amaris returned the smile as her gray eyes lit up.

"It's so nice meeting you, Amaris."

"The pleasure is mine, Budushcheye Queen Priestess Riah. I've heard so many great things about you."

Blushing, I straightened my posture. "Please, call me Riah."

Looking her over, she seemed sweet and shy but strong. I like her a lot better than I liked Selene, that's for sure.
Her long, straight hair was a dark shade of purple black that accentuated her pale skin. Wondering if her hair was naturally that color, I looked back at Willow.

"Finding Selene's replacement was quick, how do you guys in the capital decide on new High Priests and Priestess's anyway?"

"Yeah, we try to do it as fast as possible so a Clan doesn't go without a High Priest or Priestess. And we go through pretty standard tests with the clans council members, decide on the best choice, and a new test measures the persons mental stability and ability to lead. It's basically a personality check. Amaris passed all of the standards well above our expectations."

As Amaris smiled at Willows statement, deep indents in her cheeks appeared.

"That's awesome, I'm excited to work with you. Where's the ceremony taking place?"

Willow bit her lip, "At the capital palace in Troyes. We'll be naming her High Priestess, then celebrating with all 8 councils and a select few civilians. It will be an elegant event and you will be expected to be there. You know I'm not one to push, but the capital council would love to see more of you. It would be a good opportunity to impress them, too."

I nodded. "I'll definitely be there, along with The Bloodworth council and Demitri." I shot him a look. "So, would anyone enjoy a drink?"

As all of our guest including the body guards happily said yes, I eyed Demitri as I walked to the stairs.

Come help with the drinks.

Excusing himself, Demitri followed close behind me as we made our way to the second kitchen upstairs. Once I unlocked the door, I allowed Demitri to walk in before me and shut it.

Turning to him, I rolled my eyes and grabbed a few glasses from the rack and placed them on the table.

He sighed as I opened one of the fridges and grabbed 6 bags of blood.

"What?" I asked as I ripped them open and began pouring them in the cups.

"Are you mad at me?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now