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Demitri POV

I stared at her, fascinated at the way she looked as she slept. Her perfect skin was glowing in the sunlight shining between the curtains, her long black hair framed her face perfectly and her pink lips were formed into a small smile. I had to fight the urge to touch her, she would probably murder me.

A quiet knock came from the door, before it slowly opened and Marcel peeked his head in.

He smiled, "Hey, we need you down stairs."

I nodded as he closed the door, and stood up. As I quietly left her room, I gave her one last look before making my way down stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, Marcel, Devitt and Alec were all sitting there grinning at me.

"So you two spent the night together huh?" Devitt winked.

I rolled my eyes and sat at the breakfast bar. "It's not like that dude. She wanted me to stay and help her feel safe. All we did was sleep."

Devitt snorted a laugh, "Da, konechno."

I narrowed my eyes, "YA ser'yezno, bros' eto."

They all laughed before I spoke up again, "What did you guys need to talk to me about?"

"Oh, right. The neighborhood is clear but since the wolf who attacked Riah didn't mind crossing onto our territory in daylight, we need to keep extra eyes on her at all times. We have a few more men bordering the house to make sure no one can get in. We also have some willing to take rounds on guarding her whenever she's out alone." Alec answered.

I nodded, "Good job, we need to keep her as safe as possible."

"I can protect myself." I turned to see Riah standing behind me with her arms crossed.

"We know you can, but you need as much protection as possible."

A look of fear flashed through her eyes, then a moment later that emotional block was put back up. She nodded reluctantly and made her way to the chairs to sit down.

"Whatever you say, boss."

The way she spoke made my skin tingle.

"I'm hungry." She looked up at me and I almost stopped breathing. Her beautiful green eyes glistening in the light.

Marcel reached into his pocket and threw her a vile.

"This is it?" She scrunched her face, making little crinkles on her nose.

"Being that you're new to drinking blood, you have to take it easy and start slow. You'll be able to drink as much as you want soon enough." I answered as I placed my hands on the counter and looked at the boys.

"What about the warehouses? Are they all secure?"

Alec nodded, "Yes Don. Le Club's security has also been doubled. We wont go down without a fight."

"Good, good. I'm going to stop by the church to speak with Marbella and make sure she's got enough help there, too. Alec, are you coming?"

He nodded again and followed me as I shuffled to the front door.

Before I left, I turned to Riah, "No leaving without at least two people with you at all times, got it?"

"Got it." I gave her a smile, then walked out the door.

Riah POV

I rolled my eyes once he left the house and gave Devitt an annoyed look.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now