49: Protect Her

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Demitri POV

As Riah walked through the front door, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. Once the dispatcher answered, I gave her the address and told her what has happened.

Hanging up, I looked over to Nora and Alec. Nora had dried tears on her face, she chewed on her lip and glanced away. "She just slipped from my grip, Demitri. I should have protected Alyssa from seeing what she saw." She hiccuped between words.

Shaking my head, I walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Nora, you have no reason to hate yourself. You did everything you could have done. Riah will understand, right now she needs to be with Alyssa."

Nodding, Nora rubbed the back of her neck and left the house.
With one last glance at Anne's body, I sighed as the sound of sirens got closer.


"Thank you, Mr. Sullivan. We appreciate your help. Get Alyssa somewhere safe, she needs some sleep." Nodding, I smiled at the cop and peered into his pupils.

"You will not ask questions about the silver poisoning, you will keep this case closed stating Callum was stalking Riah and killed her aunt to get her attention. Riah killed him in self defense, and she has a permit to carry a firearm."

Nodding slowly, the man smiled and waved goodbye.

After Putting the center council up and having Nora and Alec sit up front, I peered behind me and into Riah's sad eyes. They were red and puffy, tears were still flowing, and Alyssa's head was in her lap. At least she's able to sleep, the cop was right. She needs it. I can't imagine the emotional damage that poor girl will have to go through.

Sighing, I turned the car on and drove to the hotel I had payed for the day before. The sound of Riah crying in the back broke my heart with every tear that fell down her perfect face. We all kept quiet as we drove through the dark streets.

Once we pulled into the hotel parking lot, we all climbed out and grabbed the things from the back. Riah slowly picked Alyssa up and held her in her arms as she shut the car door with her foot. Alyssa groaned a few times, but she was so exhausted that she wasn't going to wake up. As we made our way to the front entrance, I quickly got the keys to the three rooms I bought and slowly shuffled to them.

Handing Nora and Alec their key, I took a deep breath. "I'll probably come around your room later once Riah falls asleep, we need to discuss what to do next and have a drink."

Nodding, Alec ran his hand through his messy hair. Walking into the room, I slowly made my way to the bed Riah placed Alyssa on and wrapped my arms around Riah.

"I'm so sorry, my love."

Pulling away, Riah knelt down and gently pushed Alyssa's blonde hair off her face. "I need to clean her up."

Nodding, I got out of her way as she carefully woke her up and carried her to the bathroom.

Riah POV

Once the bath water was warm enough, I had Alyssa take the bloody clothes off and threw them in the trash. As she stepped into the tub, her sobs started up again. I cried with her while I scrubbed the blood off her skin.
Her gentle soul has been tarnished, and it's all my fault. Her heart has been shattered into pieces, and I don't think it'll ever be whole again.
The image of my aunts throat being cut open as her body fell to the floor flooded my mind.
After I was done cleaning Alyssa off, she stepped out of the bath and into the towel I had.

"It's going to be okay, baby girl."

She stayed still and silent as I dried her off and put clean clothes on her. She could barely move a muscle without wincing.
Picking her up, I brought her back into the room and placed her on the bed next to me. Demitri was sitting at the chair, on his laptop. He gave me a sympathetic look.

I love you.

I love you too.

Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore the sight of my aunts dead body, but couldn't.

"I failed her, mom. She's dead because of me." Tears streamed down my face as I peered into my mothers eyes.

Shaking her head vigorously, she reached her hands out and grabbed mine. "You didn't fail anyone. You had no control over that terrible man. But you need to keep Alyssa safe, honey. You need to protect her."

I woke up in a pool of sweat. Reaching over, I felt Alyssa next to me and sat up. Carefully getting out of bed, I searched the room for Demitri but found him nowhere.

Where are you?

The bar by the lobby.

Sighing, I cleaned my self off and changed, then left the room to find him. Once I reached the bar, my eyes landed on Alec and him, sitting on stools and drinking whiskey.

"Hi love." Demitri's voice was gentle, as if I could break any moment.

"Hi." Sitting down beside them, I ordered a rum and coke, silently thanking the goddess that the bar is 24 hours. Not that it will get me drunk, but the sting of alcohol will numb me a tad.

Darting my eyes to the boys, I tilted my head. "So he's dead, yes?"

They nodded together. "There's no way he survived that shot."

Grabbing my drink from the bartender, I took a large gulp. "Good."

"How's Alyssa doing?"

Glancing down at my glass, I bit my lip to stop myself from sobbing again. "She won't be okay for awhile." Taking a deep breath, I sighed.
"Stop acting like I'm fragile." I stammered, glaring at them both.

Demitri threw his hands up and gave me an apologetic look. "You've been through a lot. It's okay to be sad."

I narrowed my eyes. "I have been fucking sad, I cried my eyes out and now I'm done. Now I'm mad."

Pursing his lips, Alec nodded, understanding.
Shaking my head, I glanced away from them and stared at the alcohol on the wall. I wonder how satisfying it would be to just smash them all.

"Why did you take the blame for that wolfs death?"

Demitri hesitated, then cleared his throat. "Because I was worried he'd go after you. But he did anyway... This is all my fault." His voice cracked as he grew quite.

"Naw." Was all I said before finishing my drink and ordering another.

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