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Riah POV

My vision got blurry as tears filled my eyes. Narrowing my gaze, I clenched my fists.
"Answer me." I hissed.

Shutting the door, Demitri took a step closer, causing me to flash my fangs his way. Stopping in his tracks, he threw his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"Calm down, love. You aren't doing yourself any good by stressing your body out."

I rolled my eyes. "Really, Demitri? You're going to fucking flip this on me?"

Taking a deep breath, he dropped his hands and glanced to the ground.

"Your sister killed my mother." I stammered, trying not to let my voice shake.
My hands were getting clammy and the anger rising in my body was bubbling.

He stood still for a minute, not looking up from his feet and not saying a word. Once he did look into my eyes, tears were streaming down his face.

"You need to calm down, okay?"

"You didn't deny it." I pointed out, crossing my arms and allowing my body to settle down a bit.

He took a sharp breath and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes." Was all he said.

Glaring at him, I searched his posture. The feeling of betrayal washed over me, making me nauseous. As I sat down, he kept still. Placing my face in my hands, I rocked back in forth in attempt to soothe myself.
As I felt him get closer, I shot my head up.

"I didn't even know you had a fucking sister, let alone know that she murdered my mother. Why the hell did you keep this from me?"

His eyes grew sadder as he sat down in front of me. "I'm so sorry-"

"Yeah, you've been saying that a lot lately."

"Riah, you don't understand. She wasn't right in the head."

"Oh I don't understand? Your sister kills my mother and I don't fucking understand? It's as simple as the fact that she's a murderer."

He nodded slowly. "I agree. She was." Twirling his thumbs, he bit his lip nervously. "And that's why I had to kill her."
I arched my brow.

"Her name was Adeliya Ivanovich, also known as Adeliya Sullivan."

I nodded, remembering her name on the files.

"Before your mother came to Amiens, Adeliya fell in love with Sirius. It was stupid, puppy love. That's what I thought, anyway." He sighed. "When your mother showed up, Adeliya was under the impression that human and vampire mates were an abomination. Many vampires thought that. When Sirius died, she disappeared into thin air. And after a stressful 12 years, she randomly showed up at the warehouse one day and told me what she had done. She was involved with your fathers death, she went behind the covens back and sided with Callum to kill Karissa. But Callum betrayed her, and instead of killing your mother, he killed Sirius. So Adeliya ran. When she got to America in 2012, she pushed Karissa off a bridge and killed her." Rubbing his face in distraught, he continued. "When I recommended she go to the capital and confess her crimes, she freaked out and attacked me. I tried to stop her, I tried so hard to stop her." His voice was desperate. "But she was about to kill me. In defense, I killed her."

Widening my eyes at his story, my heart slowly shattered into pieces. But regardless how sad it was, I just couldn't look at Demitri without wanting to snap his neck.
"You need to leave. I need time alone to process this."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now