45: Under Water

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Riah POV

Smiling, I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. The smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes overwhelmed my senses. The sight of Demitri's muscular back facing me as he hummed and made breakfast blessed my eyes.

As I sat at the chair next to the island, I placed my head in my hand and gazed at him. "Smells good."

Turning to look at me, he shot me a gorgeous smile and placed a plate of food in front of me. Grabbing the fork, I happily dug into the breakfast. As he sat down beside me after placing two glasses of blood between us, he began eating too.

"How did you sleep?"

I shrugged. "Good."
I didn't want to tell him that was the best sleep I've gotten in weeks.

He nodded as he took another bite.
"So I was thinking we could go swimming today."

I arched my brow and glanced at him, "Where?"

"There's a spot around the cliff in the back where the water is amazing."

"I didn't bring a swimsuit."

Smiling, he shrugged again. "I have one for you."

I arched my brow in confusion. How the hell does he have a swim suit for me? Does he know my size? Choking on my drink, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked into his eyes.
"How the hell?"

Tilting his head back, he let out a chuckle. "When you first came around, Nora bought a bunch of clothes for you before you permanently moved into her house. She wanted to make sure you had everything you needed."

I shook my head, at least she's looking out for me.

After I finished my food and sipped the last drink of blood from my glass, I stood up and placed the dishes into the dishwasher. Leaning against the counter, I searched Demitri's demeanor. His body was relaxed as he chewed on the last bit of food and looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked as he chuckled and stood up from the chair.
Nodding, I took a step towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Shoving my face in his bare chest, I was enveloped in his scent.

After a minute of embracing him, he pulled away and placed a kiss on my forehead. I frowned as I followed him up the stairs to his room. Opening his closet door, we walked in as I gasped at the amount of clothes he has hung around the walls.

"Damn, you have a lot of clothes."

He shrugged, "I like to have a wide variety. Anyway, these are some of the clothes Nora picked up that couldn't fit in your room."

Opening a large cupboard, he revealed a bunch of clothes hung on a rack and a few drawers with clothes folded in them. Shooting him a smile, I felt the soft fabric of them between my fingers as I went through the many sun dresses, jackets, shorts, and plenty more. Pulling out the top drawer, I went through the swim suits in it and decided on a black lacey one.

"You guys spoil me too much."

Leaning down, he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Only the best for you."

Shaking my head, I left the room and made my way into the bathroom. After I freshened up, I pulled the swimsuit on, tied it, and walked through the door.

Once Demitri was done putting on a pair of swimming trunks, we went downstairs hand in hand. Grabbing a cooler from the counter, Demitri wrapped his arm around my waist and led me out the front door and around the side of his house.

There were stairs going down the side of the cliff of his backyard, leading to a patio with tables and chairs with a railing on the side and a ladder going down to a sandy beach. The water was oddly clear, with a beautiful waterfall on the left side of another cliff.

Gasping, I glanced at Demitri as he placed the cooler on the glass table and opened it up. After pouring some plasma into two glasses, he chugged his down and handed me one. After I drank the liquid down, we climbed the ladder to the warm sand.
With a swift motion, he picked me up in his arms and ran into the water. Giggling, I latched onto his neck as the cool lake reached me.

Demitri POV

The sound of her gorgeous laughter blessed my ears as we splashed water at each other. Sinking into the lake, I swam up to her and embraced my arms around her hips. Picking her up, I wrapped her legs around my waist and left tiny kisses on her neck.
Chuckling, Riah pulled away and looked down at me. Her beautiful smile brightened my mood as her long hair flew in the wind.

"I love you."

With a large smile spreading across her lips, she bent down and kissed me sweetly.
"I love you too, Demitri."

I could feel my heart skip a beat as the words left her beautiful lips. Letting go of her, I motioned for her to follow me and swam towards the waterfall. After staying still for a moment, she reluctantly followed close behind.

Once we got to it, I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her under the water until we got to the other side. Behind the waterfall was a gorgeous cave with an opening at the top, allowing the sun to shine through, and the stone walls were glistening due to the reflection of the sparkling water.
Widening her eyes, Riah swam up to the shore and sat at the stone placed in the middle of the sand. Scanning the cave, her gasp echoed through the walls.

"This place is beautiful Demitri." Stepping out of the water, I sat beside her.

"Yeah, this is where I come to think, when things get too hard to deal with." I shrugged slightly.

Looking at me, she searched my face intently. "How do you do it?" Her voice was soft as if she was scared she'd offend me.

I arched my brow. "Do what?"

She shrugged and glanced down at her hands. "All of it, being the Don, the High Priest of a vampire clan, live with knowing you killed your sister..." Her voice dropped as she quickly widened her eyes and placed her hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to slip out like that."

Waving my hand, I gave her an assuring smile. "It's okay, you just care." I sighed. "Honestly, I grew up dealing with hard ships. My mother died giving birth to me, and my father was a piece of shit drunk. My sister raised me, so killing her wasn't easy. But she wasn't right in the head. I lost her long before she fell in love with Sirius. I dream about that day, the way it sounded as she took her last breath and the sight of her tears running down her cheeks. But I don't regret it. It was either her or the clan, and they are my family too."

She placed her hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes with pity. "You didn't deserve to go through that Demitri, I'm so sorry."

"Don't pity me. It only made me who I am as a person. Every terrible thing I've gone through, has made me stronger for the next."

Nodding, she smiled. "You truly are an amazing person."
Shaking my head, I stepped back into the water and held my hand out. As she took it in hers, we made our way under the waterfall back to the other side.

The way she looked as she was blissfully happy was mesmerizing, nothing else in the world mattered when I was with her.

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