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Demitri POV

Once I made my way into my office with Alec behind me, I closed the door and sat down at my desk.

I opened the top drawer and began shuffling through papers, trying to focus on the documents, but my mind couldn't stop wondering to Riah. Her beautiful smooth skin... Her gorgeous emerald eyes.

I took a deep breath and slammed the drawer shut.

Alec looked up from his phone, "You good, Don?"
I shook my head. "Naw, dude. If I'm being completely honest, I can't stop thinking about her."

"Riah?" He asked, raising his brow.

I avoided his gaze as I stared at the abstract painting on the wall.

"Look Demitri, she's your mate. It's going to be hell trying to stay away from her until you guys mark. It wasn't easy when Nora and I discovered we were mates, but once we completed the full ritual, it's like the pain was never there." He sat down on the couch and folded his hands.

"It's just hard to think of her as the one. I mean, she's beautiful and amazing and I can't breathe without thinking about her. But it's just.." I trailed off, not sure what to say.

"A new feeling? Understandable, I mean, you went a thousand years assuming you didn't have a mate, when suddenly you begin dreaming of this woman in a completely different country and now she's here. It's gonna take some time."

I narrowed my gaze. "I swear to the goddess if you mention this to anyone in the Clan I will shove a wooden stake through your heart."

He threw his head back and laughed. "Got it, boss."

"Now can you hurry your ass up and grab those documents? Nora has been blowing my phone up all night trying to get me to come home." I laughed at Alec and opened the drawer back up, my eyes landing on the papers.

I pulled them out and read the first few sentences, making sure I grabbed the right ones.

"What are those?" He questioned, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Anastasia's separation papers, today is her last day so I need to give them to her before we dip out." I stood up and left my office with Alec next to me, then made my way to the break room. I scanned the area to find Anastasia standing with her back turned towards us.

I walked up to her and cleared my throat.

She turned to me, eyes lighting up. "Boss, hi." she purred.
Rolling my eyes, I shoved the papers in her hands and walked away.

As we made our way through the dancing bodies and out the back door, Alec peered over at me with a questioning gaze.

"Did you just fire her?"

I nodded, opening my car door. "Yup, let's get you home. I wanna check up on Riah before I get some sleep."

He laughed again, getting in next to me. "Savage."

Riah POV

"You guys are so dorky for watching this movie." I shot a threatening look at Devitt.

"I'm assuming that makes you one too? Because you've been watching this movie with us and you don't seem to be complaining." I sneered.

He rolled his eyes, "Watch the attitude princess, I was only joking." He winked at me, making me gag.

My gaze suddenly wondered to the front door as it slowly opened, I sat up straight and narrowed my eyes. But it was only Alec and Demitri waltzing in.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now