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Riah POV 

After an amazing night of laying in bed, talking about our past, and watching movies with Demitri, we fell asleep in each others arms. 
I couldn't have asked for a better night. But the morning of my after party was nerve racking, mainly because I'm about to meet some very important coven members, Bratva allies, and the community. I'm supposed to be proper and happy, instead I feel dizzy and anxious. All of these people will be seeing me as their future Queen Priestess, and I'm not sure if I can hold my self strong enough.

"You'll do great, love. I promise." 
Smiling at Demitri in the mirror, I finished my curls and stood up. I raised my brow at him, and he immediately knew what I needed, and turned around. 
Stripping out of my pajamas, I carefully stepped into my black lacey dress. 

"Can you help me zip it up?" I asked.
Turning around and placing his hands on my hips, Demitri gasped at my appearance.

"Riah, you look... stunning. You never fail to amaze me."
Heat rose to my cheeks as he slowly zipped the dress up and placed his hands on my shoulders. Squeezing them, he placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck.

"You ready?" 

Nodding, I grabbed his hand and allowed him to take me downstairs to where a group of people was growing. Once we reached the bottom step, everyone grew silent and placed their attention on me.
Grinning, I made my way to the crowd and greeted everyone. 

"Riah, this is High Priestess Levana of The Obsidian Clan in Reims, France, east of Paris." Demitri introduced me to a tall lady with short blonde hair and grey eyes.

Smiling, I shook her hand, immediately noticing her ring. It had the same design as my necklace, but silver with an opal stone instead of a ruby. 
"Nice meeting you, High Priestess Levana." 

Returning the smile, Levana's eyes lit up. "The pleasure is mine, Budushcheye Queen Priestess of Vaena's night children. You're just as gorgeous as I'd imagine."

Blushing, I grabbed a glass of blood wine off of one of the tables. 
Last night Demitri let me know that I will be addressed as Budushcheye (Future) Queen Priestess of Vaena's night children, until I take over as official Queen. Every vampire clan around France, united as one, is called Vaena's night children. 

"Your home is beautiful might I say." Levana added. 

"Thank you so much, Nora is a great decorator."
As if on cue, Nora made her way through the crowd and straight to us.

"Levana! It's so nice to see you." 

With a warm smile, Levana wrapped her arms around Nora with a quick squeeze. "It has, how's Alec doing?"
Happily going on about her relationship, Nora gave me the chance to quietly slip away from the crowd and into the kitchen where it was calm.
I barely made it five minutes and I'm already overwhelmed. 

"The crowd is growing fast." 
Jumping at the sudden sound of an unfamiliar voice, I turned to see a tall man wearing a dark fitted suit, leaning against the counter in front of me. 

Holding my hand over my chest, I greeted him with a smile. "You frightened me, gonna give a girl a heart attack."

Chuckling, his dark hazel eyes lit up. "Sorry about that, I'm Viktor. High Priest of The Enigma Clan. You must be Budushcheye Queen Priestess Riah."

Nodding, I held my hand out. "I am."

As he shook it, I realized he too had a piece of jewelry with similarities to my necklace. But instead of a necklace, he had a golden bracelet, the same emblem, but a large diamond instead of a ruby. 

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now