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Riah POV

Mingling with the crowd of people who came to meet the newest vampire couple was exhausting, but pretty fun. I got to know the High Priests and Priestesses of all 8 clans a little better, too. Most of them are easy going, Levana is a bit uptight, but no where near like Selene which is a relief.

Speak of the devil, I grinned as she hobbled up to me like she had a stick up her ass.

"I must admit, you do look beautiful." Her eyes were glowing, and her face showed genuine admiriation.

"Thank you, Selene. It means alot."

Giving me a slight nod, she placed her hands on her hips. "May I ask where your lovely mate is?"

"No." I stated, letting out a chuckle.

Eyes burning in sudden iritation, she pursed her lips and disappeared back into the crowd.

Shaking my head, I grinned as I felt a warm presence behind me as Demitri wrapped his arms around my waist. Tilting his head to my ear, I could feel him smirk against my skin.

"You sure know how to piss her off." His voice was low and husky.

Rolling my eyes, I swirled around to face him. "It's my favorite pass time."

Letting his head fall back, he laughed, causing his shoulders to shake gracefully. Biting my lip, I searched his body. As my eyes landed on the mark, I smirked.

Arching his brow, the corner of his mouth twitched. "What?"

Heat rose to my cheeks as I looked down at the ground. I can't let him know how I feel right now, because regardless how many emotions I have swarming in my chest for him, I'm still extremely upset. And it will take time to get over that.

I shook my head and took a step back.

"I will get you to tell me. Anyway, we're about to make a toast. Follow me."

Nodding my head, I took his out stretched hand in mine and let him lead me to a few stairs up a porch that overlooked the crowd.
Once we grabbed our glasses and turned to everyone, the crowd grew quiet as we lifted our glasses.

"To unity." My voice rang throughout the people. "To our wonderful family, to all of Vanea's night children, to us."

"Nam." Demitri ended the toast in Russian as we all took a drink from our glasses.

After the cheering died down, a large smile spread across my face. Bowing, I stepped off the stand and made my way to Willow.

"That was beautiful, Riah."

"Thank you Queen Priestess Willow."

Shaking her head, her eyes shined brightly. "Please, call me Willow, hun."

Giving her a slight nod, I wrapped my arm around Demitri's and looked up at him. "I'm gonna go use the restroom, I'll be back."

Letting go of him, I excused myself from the conversation and maneuvered my way through the crowd, occasionally stopping to say hello to a few people. Once I walked through the back door and into the large house, I looked around in confusion as I realized I have no idea where I'm going.

Shrugging, I made my way up a large staircase to the second floor. Swaying from the effect of a little too much blood wine and plasma, I scanned the beautiful walls and the portraits that were hung all around. Gasping at one of the paintings, I stopped in front of it and traced the paper with my finger tips. It was a painting of the ocean, the sunsetting behind it and a few birds in the distance.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now