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*Remember to vote, comment and follow me if you'd like! Also, Church of Saint-Leu is in fact a real catholic church in Amiens, but none of the information in this story are facts regarding this exact church. Just the name, location, and the way the outside looks.*
I stared longingly at the fruit, pancakes, cereal and plenty of other breakfast foods set out on the counters. Other tourists filled their plates and talked amongst themselves. I walked up to the fruit and began placing some on my plate, then stacked a few pancakes on it before making my way back to my room.

Once I walked in and sat down, I placed the plate on the bed and opened my laptop. I tried searching mysterious ruby pendants, even tried finding something that looked remotely similar to mine, but I couldn't find anything. I huffed in defeat and finished my pancakes, irritated with the fact that I couldn't find information on a simple necklace.

I looked at the time and grabbed a towel, I'm supposed to be at the rental place in an hour and a half so I walked into the bathroom and started the shower, adjusting it to the perfect temperature. Stepping in, I smiled and began my shower regimen.

After I finished showering and brushing my teeth, I walked back into my room and opened my dresser to search for something to wear. Deciding on a burgundy button up, black shorts, a pair of fishnets and one of my leather jackets, I changed and brushed threw my hair quick before I put my necklace back on and sat down to tie my boots.

I'm lucky I have semi tamable hair, or else it'd take me forever to get ready. Its pretty curly, but it's not too ratty. I smiled at my appearance and left the hotel.
It was a great decision to walk to the rental place, its not far and it's also beautiful out. I smiled as I strolled down the street. Being a Friday, the city was pretty busy with events and tourists roaming around.

Walking into the rental place, I smiled at the man at the front and strolled up to him.

"Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider?" He spoke.

I looked at him, struck with confusion. I hate that I didn't learn enough French. I opened my mouth to attempt to reply correctly, when he stopped me and smiled.

"I've lived in Amiens long enough to know a confused American when I see one. How may I help you?" he asked clearly.
"Thank you." I grinned wider. "I actually have a car reserved for 9:30."

He nodded. "Yup, we have you all set up. Just making sure we have everything correct here, you reserved a vehicle for a month?"

I nodded. "Yes, and depending on how I feel, I'll probably be extending the reservation."

"Very well, just make sure to let us know your plans a week before the month is up. As you know, there is no smoking in the rental, no one other than yourself can drive the car unless you pay an extra fee, and you must avoid staining the interior at all costs."
He continued explaining everything I needed to know, then handed me the keys and directed me towards the lot, to the car I'll be driving.
I thanked the man and got into the black vehicle, turned the ignition over and drove off. I smiled slightly, everything is going smoother than I could have imagined.

I pulled up the address to the church I found last night, and made my way to the other side of town.

It looked so familiar, not like seeing a picture of it, but almost as if I've been here before. Maybe my mom told me about this place when I was young and I just can't remember it. I parked the car in a spot across the street and made my way to the front of the church. I reached my hand out and traced the carvings on the walls, amazed at the unique curves and texture of the stones.

As I was about to open the big doors and go in, they swung open and a blonde swept by me causing me to fall on my ass and drop my phone.

"What the hell!" I shouted, grimacing at the pain shooting through my back.

She turned to look at me, eyes wide. "Oh shit, I am so sorry." she spoke, her accent was an interesting mix of Russian and French I think? I'm not sure.

I stood up and brushed myself off. "It's fine, just be careful next time your bursting through church doors." I joked.
"American, huh. You new here?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest and pursing her pink lips.

I nodded, feeling a little self conscious about my messy appearance. "Yeah, just got here last night." I admitted.

She smiled brightly, "You like it so far?"

I nodded, realizing she wasn't the bitch she looks like she would be. "I do, it's beautiful here. I honestly have no idea why I wanted to come here." I gestured to the building, only half lying. "But something about it drew my attention." I smiled awkwardly.

She raised her eye brow in curiosity. "I've only met a few people who actually share that attraction to this place. Something about it just has that, I don't know, vibe." she shrugged.

"Definitely, if you don't mind me asking, why did you run out of there so fast? You seemed mad." I asked gently.

She sighed heavily. "The priest really pisses me off."

I giggled, then widen my eyes. "Oh shit I didn't mean to offend you." I said in realization.

She shook her head. "I like you. You radiate chill ass energy. If you need someone to show you around some time, I'd be happy to accompany you."

I grinned. "That would actually be nice, thank you."

She pulled out her phone and unlocked it. "Let me get your number quick and I'll give you mine. Maybe we can hangout sometime." she spoke as she handed it to me.
I put my number into her contacts and saved it under Riah. "My names Riah, by the way."

A weird look crossed her face for a second, but she immediately covered it up. "I'm Nora. Nice meeting you hun, but I really need to run. I'll text you soon so you can save my number, too."

I waved as she sauntered away. I had trouble processing what just happened, but decided to turn back around and walk through the church doors.

I slowly stepped into the church, looking around at the art and statues in the entry-way. The way this place made me feel was freaking me out as I continued down the hall to the chancel.

As soon as I pushed past the doors, I spotted the ancient yet beautiful cross hanging above the altar. I examined my surroundings as I sat down on one of the benches.

But the moment I sat down, I could hear people talking. I turned my head to see who it was, only to find myself completely alone. And as I looked back at the cross, my vision went black.

Once I gained my sight back, I looked up from my hands and to the altar, where I could see two figures standing there, speaking amongst themselves.

I could hear them just enough to decipher what they were saying.
"You need to leave, it's not safe here anymore." A man said hesitantly.

"Sirius, I can't leave you." A women spoke.

I squinted, trying to see the figures. The females voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't make out their faces.
"He's coming, you must go." He said again.
She shook her head fiercely. "I can't"

Just then, a loud noise echoed from the entrance of the church. The two figures turned around just in time to witness a shadow bursting through the doors and making its way towards them. I still couldn't see their faces, let alone move. The shadow stood in front of the couple, a shriek escaped the woman's mouth.

"Callum! Please, don't do this." The man spoke, his voice was hushed yet daunting.
Ignoring his pleads to stay away, the shadow standing in front of them lunged forward and attacked the man I assumed was Sirius. The lady screamed as she turned to run, but just before she escaped, I caught a glimpse of her face. And that's when I realized how I knew her voice, she was my mom, but younger.

I tried to yell, but nothing came out. I looked back at the two mysterious people, there was blood pooling down the steps and into the aisle. A form of a man stood up, but his back arched unnaturally and I could hear crackling of bones as his body bent and moved the way a human body wasn't built to do.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now