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Riah POV

Exhaustion took over as hunger ate away at my stomach. Groaning, I turned to my side and peered at the metal door I knew all too well. I've carved in my own markings on the wall, so far it's been about a week since I was kidnapped. I haven't had so much as a drop of blood since I got here, and all Callum does when he visits me is torture me with holy water. This is my life now.

I've made a few attempts at escaping, but every single time, I end up with another bloody nose and an angrier Callum shouting at me. My will to live is dwindling, and the hardest part is knowing I can't just die as fast as I wish I could. Even without blood, I can survive months, if not years. Miserably, but it's possible.

I heard from some guards that a group of vampires made an attempt at searching the building, but they didn't make it out alive. No one has tried to come back since.

Callum isn't dumb though, and we all know Demitri isn't going to give up that easily. As much as I want to make it look like I've lost all hope at the coven finding me, I know this is just the beginning and Callum knows it too.

Wincing at the growling noises my stomach continues to make, I flipped onto my back and clutched my stomach. My lips are cracking, my eyes searing from lack of sleep, and my skin feels flushed. I need to eat, but I'm too weak to even attack the smallest guard here. I'm fucked.

Demitri POV

Every passing moment without her, hurts more and more. It's been a week since she's been gone, and as much as I miss her, I know it's better to strengthen the clan and ready them for the worst, then to send them out into a war blind.

I know Callum won't kill her yet, because as evil as he is, he's trying to draw this out as far as possible to torture my soul and get to me. He's waiting for us to strike, but what he won't be expecting is how fucking hard we're going to hit.

My bond with Riah is strong enough that I know she's still alive, and I even know the general location of where she is in the building. Now we're just waiting for the perfect time to invade. My men have the guards schedules memorized, so we know when shift changes occur and when the weakest men are on duty.

Tomorrow night is the night we get Riah back. And we won't fail, no matter what.

Once she settles back in after she returns home, I'm going to tell her the truth about the mating. I just hope it doesn't overwhelm her, with everything that she's been through. But regardless, she deserves to know everything.

With the moral support of The Bloodworth Clan council, I've been holding onto my sanity. I'm lucky to have such a strong willed family at my side.

Sighing, I sat up and jumped out of bed. Strolling to the bathroom, I hopped into my giant marble shower and turned the knobs to the right temperature before allowing my muscles to relax beneath the warm water. As I scrubbed my body clean, I couldn't help but reminisce about Riah's perfect lips against mine.

Smirking, I turned the water off, got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. Running my hand through my hair, I gave my appearance a glance then made my way to the walk in closet next to my bathroom.

Once I got dressed, buttoned up my red long sleeve shirt and tied my dress shoes, I grabbed my keys and phone, and left my empty house.

As I drove back to the warehouse where men and women are training for tomorrow, my heart ached for Riahs touch. Taking a deep breath, I parked my vehicle in the abandoned lot, turned it off and climbed out.
The moment I opened the back door, Alec walked up to me.

"Don, how was your night?" He asked as he walked beside me and into my office.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Not so great, I haven't gotten much sleep lately. Any updates on Riah?" Sitting down, my stomach flipped in anticipation.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now