43: Into Thin Air

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Falling asleep on Demitri's naked chest was the most amazing feeling ever. 
Smiling, I looked up at his sleeping face. He looked so happy, so peaceful. When he's not talking shit he actually looks sweet. 

With a soft knock on the door, I kissed Demitri's cheek and carefully climbed out of bed. Once I threw some sweats on, I made my way to the door and opened it.
On the other side was Nora with a smile on her face. 

I raised my brow, "What's up?"

"You wanna go down to the pool and relax in the jacuzzi with me?"

Damn, that actually sounds amazing. Nodding, I told her to give me a minute and grabbed my swimsuit from my suitcase. 
After putting it on, I grabbed a towel and left the room with Nora.

"So, how did you sleep?" She asked as we stepped into the warm water. 

I shrugged, "Good."

Wiggling her brows, she smirked. "Oh yeah? You two have fun?"
I automatically began blushing and covered my mouth. 

"You guys weren't very quiet."

I widened my eyes, "Nooo."

She nodded, then broke out into laughter. 
Throwing my head back, I laughed with her as the embarrassment took over. Breathing heavily, I held my stomach as I calmed down. 

"I'm sorry you had to hear that."

She shook her head, "No worries. That's what I have earplugs for."

Shooting her a grin, I closed my eyes and sunk into the bubbling water. 
My mind continued to replay last night over and over again, the way his skin felt on mine, the sweet way he kissed me as he pleased me. 
And the way his eyes lit up when he told me he loves me. 

Where did you go?  His voice caused me to jump for a second. 

I'm in the jacuzzi with Nora. 

Ah okay.

"So how long do you think it'll take for Selene to, ya know, dissapear?"

Opening my eyes, I shrugged. "Hopefully not long. But it's only been two days since she's been released, so."

"I just can't believe she could do such a thing. She was always a bitch but I never thought she was evil."

Perking up, I looked into her eyes. "How close were they? Demitri and Selene?"

"For the first year they met, pretty close. I'm not sure why they fell off, but I never liked them together anyway." She bit her lip in concentration. "It's been centuries since they were actually civil."

The jealousy I had towards them as a couple slowly dissipated as I realized what they had wasn't as serious as I'd assumed. Taking a relieved deep breath, I couldn't stop the smile from appearing.

"What?" She questioned curiously. 

I shook my head, "I just don't like thinking about him with another person, especially someone like her. I don't know, I feel we've grown closer lately."

She smiled. "Good, you two are great for each other."


After an hour of relaxing with Nora, we went back to our hotel rooms and got our stuff together. Once Demitri and I were packed and ready to go, we left the room to be met with Nora and Alec, and Marcel waltzing up to us.

Sniffing the air, I crinkled my nose. "You smell like sex and shame."

Rubbing the back of his neck, Marcel gave us an awkward look. "You guys ready to go home?"

While we nodded in unison, we left the hotel and made our way to the truck. Aleksandra and Petra had already left an hour before us because they had some things to take care of. 
Staring out the window, I watched the town pass by as we made our way home. 


Once I slumped into my bed, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.
"You okay?" Demitri asked as he walked into my room and sat on my couch. 

Opening my eyes, I grinned. "Yeah, I'm good."

Nodding, he rubbed his beard. "So I just got a call from the capital."

I raised my brow, "Why?"

He chewed his bottom lip, "Well, you know they let Selene go." I nodded, quickly sitting up. "She's already been classified as dead. They think she's been killed by a wolf. A civilian found a crime scene in an alley in Paris, her body was torn to shreds beyond survival."

Widening my eyes, I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't. I hated the bitch, but I didn't want her to get mutilated by a werewolf.

"Damn." I whispered, running my hand through my hair. "That was... fast."

He nodded, "It doesn't take long for an enemy to find a lone vampire, especially being that's she's caused so many wolf deaths and trouble for multiple prides."

Taking a deep breath, I slumped back into my bed. Why is it to hard to take it in? I don't know why, but deep down I feel as if this isn't the end. Her death was just the beginning, and I'm going to have to accept not every vampire in all the clans have good intentions. 

"So what now?"

He shrugged. "We move on."

Sighing, I stood up. "I'm gonna go. I'll be back later."

Quickly turning and leaving my room before he could protest, I grabbed my keys from the bowl next to the front door and left the house.
Breathing in relief, I climbed into my car, turned the ignition over, and left the driveway. I feel it's my fault that she died, I mean I got her kicked out of her clan. So it obviously is. No matter how terrible she was, she shouldn't have died.

But there's nothing I can do about it now, another vampire is dead because of me. 

Huffing, I stopped at the park Nora took me to the other day and got out of the car. As I slowly walked the trail, I grew hungry.
Looking both ways, I made sure no one was around before I made my way up to a young woman jogging. 

Smiling, she stopped in her tracks and pulled her headphones out. "Do I know you?"

Returning the smile, I looked into her eyes and watched her pupils dilate as I whispered smoothly. "Stand still. Don't scream. This will be over soon."

As her body went still, I grabbed onto her and pierced my fangs into her neck. Rolling my eyes back, I groaned as the warm taste swirled around my tongue. 
Before I could drain her of all her blood, I reluctantly pulled away and wiped my mouth. Swiping the blood from her neck, I ordered her to walk away and forget everything. As she did what I said, my eyes landed on a middle aged man staring at me in fear. 

As he realized I saw him, he turned to run away, but I got to him first. 
Staring into his eyes, I gritted my teeth in irritation. "Forget what you just saw. You were taking a walk, and you blacked out. Now go back to wherever you came from and never return to this park."

Nodding slowly, the man turned around and marched to the trail exit. 

Sighing in relief as he disappeared out of sight, I continued to walk towards the bridge that was spread across the pond. 
As I sat down and slumped against the railing, I stared at my reflection in the water. I covered the marking on my face this morning so no one could spot it, but my eyes were red and puffy. The amount of stress going around is absolutely exhausting, I don't understand how anyone could put up with all of this. 
I've been having constant dreams about Callum and his whereabouts. I hate the fact that he is nowhere to be found, just running around plotting. I usually wouldn't be out here alone right now, but I'm a hell of a lot stronger now that I've completed the full change. If he so much as comes near me I won't hesitate to snap his neck.

But he literally disappeared into thin air. 

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