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I sat there, staring at the table. I have no idea what to say, they just sat there silent. Letting me take it all in.

I glanced up at Demitri as my vision became blurry with rage. I finally managed to calm myself enough to speak, "How is that possible?" I questioned him, observing his face.

He furrowed his brows and his expression went blank, "When your mother met Sirius, they instantly fell in love and it became clear that they were mates. Although rare, it's possible for a vampire to have a human mate. But your mother got pregnant before the proper mating ritual, which is why your a Dhampir. Half vampire, half human."

I held my breath, scared I might break if I made any sudden movements. The room was silent for a few passing seconds before I finally exhaled loudly and ran my hand through my hair.
"No, that doesn't make sense. Scott Killian is my father, he raised me." I cringed as I spoke his name.
Although he wasn't the best father, he was there when I was young. He was always my father, and I never fathomed it being anyone else.

"Your mother was early enough into the pregnancy that it wasn't physically noticeable yet. To protect you both, she moved back to America and rekindled her romance with a late childhood friend, Scott. She convinced him you were his, and they got married soon after. But your real, biological father, is Sirius." Demitri's voice was gentle, yet assertive. He leaned back in his chair and chewed his lip.

"So my mother lied to an innocent man, trapped him into marrying her, and continued to lie to him and myself for 12 years?" I closed my eyes tightly as the feeling of betrayal took over.

"She had to, Riah. It was the only way she could keep you alive. She followed orders."
I snapped my eyes open as Nora spoke softly. She rested her hand on mine and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Who killed him?"

Nora raised her brow.

"Who killed Sirius?" I repeated the question, peering back at Demitri.

"His name is Callum, he's the leader of the Ironpaw Pride." He declared as if I knew what the hell Ironpaw was.

He noted my confusion and continued, "The Chechen Mafia, they also go by The Ironpaw Pride. They're werewolves, and that thing that attacked you tonight? He was one of them."

I sat still for a minute, trying to comprehend what he just said.
"You know what, I'm not even surprised. If vampires are real, why not werewolves too." I uttered as I threw my hands up in defeat.
"If this Callum guy killed my real father, is it possible he also killed my mom?"
As soon as I let the words escape my mouth, I experienced immediate regret. I'm not even sure I wanted him to answer. But I know it would have slowly killed me if he didn't.

I could feel everyone in the room get tense as Demitri was about to answer, but he stopped himself and looked down at the table.

When I thought he wouldn't say anything, he looked back up at me and spoke quietly, "We don't know who killed Karissa, but it's a possibility. But it's also possible it really was suicide. What she experienced that dreadful night of Sirius's death was traumatizing. And any person who saw what she saw, would have had some demons."

I looked back at my hands and cleared my throat, "So if what your saying is true, that I'm half vampire, how come I've never felt like one? Let alone had the desire to drink blood."

  "Well, the vampire half wouldn't have effected you until your 18th birthday. In most cases, it starts with being constantly nauseous for no reason, feeling hungry but nothing seems appetizing, migraines, also weird dreams. The symptoms don't stop until you have your first taste of blood..." He trailed off, his face emotionless.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now