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                        "Riah, I love you." He whispered into my ear as he held me close. I pulled away and looked into his deep blue eyes. My heart ached at the sound of his voice. He analyzed my face, searching for something, I wondered what. He grabbed my chin and smashed his lips to mine, I melted into his embrace as his hands roamed my body.

         I was so lost in the moment, that I barely felt the odd warmth trickle down my chin to my neck. I almost couldn't pull away, until I tasted it. A bitter, odd flavor hinting at my tongue. I yanked myself from the kiss, opening my eyes to a red liquid dripping from his lips, staining his white shirt.

Everything was blurry, and the only thing I could distinguish was the blood all over the man in front of me. My knees became weak and I collapsed on the floor. Looking down, I realized I was in a puddle of more blood, my palms stained by the liquid.

     I instantly woke up in a puddle of sweat, shaking and hyperventilating. I sat up and pulled my legs to my chest, taking a minute to collect myself. What the hell was that about? I've never had dreams like that before, I can't imagine why I would now. I haven't watched any Twilight movies recently, actually I haven't in years. I hate those movies. It felt so real, too. And who was that man? I can't remember what he looked like, but I remember the way he made me feel.

Suddenly shivering, I pulled my blanket over my shoulders and shuffled to the kitchen. My aunt was standing at the sink, staring out the window into the back yard. I followed her gaze, landing on the tables set up and the banner spread across two trees that read 'GOOD LUCK IN FRANCE, RIAH'.

I cleared my throat.

      Jumping at the sudden sound, my aunt shook her head when she turned to me. "Why do you always scare me like that baby girl, my god."

     I chuckled and leaned against the counter, searching her face. Dried tears staining her pink cheeks. I opened my mouth to speak, when she raised her hand to stop me.

    "I'm okay Riah, I'm just going to miss you." she smiled sadly, wiping her face with her sleeve. I returned the smile, trudging towards her and wrapping her in a quick hug. I pulled away, letting the cake next to her catch my attention.

"Oh! Cake, yummy." I said, in attempt to change the subject. I've never been very good at comforting people.

  She grinned wide, "Yeah, your favorite. Red velvet."

  "Oh my god I can't wait." I exclaim, going for the frosting with my pinky. Before I could scoop some up, she lightly slapped my hand away.

   "Shoo you fiend, not yet. This cake is for later." she said as she quickly grabbed it and placed it in the fridge.

I glared at her, then smiled. "Fine, but I get the biggest piece." She nodded in agreement, turning back around to finish washing the bowl accompanying the sink.

         Before I turned to leave the kitchen, she spoke up, "Hurry up and get ready Ri, Alyssa is outside waiting for you to push her on the tire swing." I shook my head at the thought of my goofy cousin as I returned to my room, shutting the door behind me.

            I almost forgot about the crazy dream I had. Questions started to rise once again, but I pushed them to the back of my mind, chalking it up as just a unique dream. Opening the doors to my closet, I wondered what I was going to wear. Can't be my usual leather jacket and boots, my aunt would kill me. I have to look 'nice'. Or in her words, 'not like a scary delinquent'. I rolled my eyes.

Going through my clothes, I couldn't find anything right, so I settled on a yellow summer dress I got at the antique shop a few weeks ago.

     Grabbing a towel from my dresser, I walked to the bathroom and stripped down before turning the shower on and getting in. The hot water consumed me, releasing the tension that's been building all week. I sighed in relief as I washed my hair with lavender shampoo.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now