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Waking up to my door swinging open and a dark figure running up to my bed definitely wasn't something I wanted to experience. But here I am, lunging at him with my fangs out, ready to tear at his throat.

"Riah! It's me, jesus fuck."

Jumping off of him, I slammed my door shut and switched the light on. "Do you get off on busting into my room and scaring the shit out of me Demitri?"

Sitting on my bed, he placed his head in his hands and shook it.

Placing my hand on his back, I tilted my head. "What's wrong?"

After a moment of silence, he looked into my eyes and clenched his jaw. "Do you remember the reception when you caught Selene in my room?"

I nodded, confused.

"I figured out what she was looking for. She stole my key to the file room, Riah. She has the fucking key."

"So? Doesn't she already have her own?"

He shook his head violently. "No one other than the council of that specific clan has their own file room key to avoid conflict and rifts. The file room doesn't only contain death files, it contains much more."

"Like what?" I squeaked.

"Like all the information to every single one of our warehouses, all of our shipments, everything a person would need to take a clan down."

Gritting my teeth, I paced back and forth. "Did you check the file room yet?"

He nodded. "None of the warehouse information is missing, but that's not what I'm worried about. She has your mothers death files."

His words echoed in my head. "Why would she need them?"

"Because she's an evil bitch." He spoke harshly. "She can use them to turn the whole vampire population against the Bloodworth council. If she shows anyone those papers, she could start a riot and absolutely tear us apart."

I took a deep breath. "Then we tell them before she could."

"It's too late, Riah. They would never trust us. Regardless if the truth was on the files, we weren't a hundred percent with them and that will always stick. We're fucked."

I shook my head. "No, this can't be the way we go down. We need to get it back from her."

He ran his hand through his messy hair. "She's probably already in Troyes getting ready to make the announcement any time now."

"So? We can't just give up. We need to at least try and make it there before it's too late."

With anger burning in my chest, I quickly came up with an idea to get the files back once we get to the capital. She'll probably be at the Saint Urbain Church where The Tantibus Clan and Willow accompany. If we leave in the next 20 minutes, we could get there in about 3 hours. She broke in tonight, Marbella and the council have been at the church everyday since the reception so there's no way she slipped through any earlier. We have a chance to get to her before she gets to them. Even though the small council in the capital knew about Adeliya, Selene could still get to the civilians and turn them against us.

Once I threw on some clothes and woke Nora and Alec up, we hurriedly got into Demitri's truck and left as fast as we could.

"I always knew something was wrong with Selene, but I never thought she'd be evil and conniving. People never stop surprising me." Nora yawned as she shook her head.

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now