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 It's been about a week since I officially moved into Nora's house. I try to avoid Demitri as much as possible, but he's always around. Especially with Alec and Nora being a couple. I can't deny the attraction I feel for him, but that doesn't mean I have to give in. He's a mob boss for crying out loud. I mean, they all are but.. he's the Don. So no matter how much I want him, I can't have him. And no matter how much I feel I need him, I can't fulfill those desires. It's wrong in every way. 

 On top of that, I've been pretty sick. My appetite is shit, and I'm getting weaker by the day. I swear I've started to hallucinate, too. I could have sworn I caught Nora drinking a water bottle full of blood, but she let me know it was just juice. But the way it smelt was, I don't know, different? In an intriguing way. 

 "Hey hun, you feeling better today?" I looked up from my breakfast and met Nora's gaze. 

I shrugged, "I guess so. I still feel weak but it's getting better." I looked back at my plate of eggs and bacon, pushing it around with my fork. I took a deep breath, set the fork down and stood up. "I just don't have an appetite right now I guess." I scraped the left over food into the garbage and placed the plate into the sink.

 Leaning against the counter, I searched Nora's concerned expression. She nodded, "You'll feel better. It's probably just nerves and confusion from the last couple days. Have you spoken to your family lately?" 

 I dropped my gaze to the floor, "No, I still can't find my phone, and I don't remember my aunts number." I shrugged. "Hopefully she isn't freaking out." 

Nora walked up the me and wrapped her arms around my neck. With a tight squeeze, she pulled away and smiled. "Let's go out tonight, you've been stuck in here with the boys for so long I bet you're getting sick of the same old shit." 

 I grinned wide. "Yeah, that sounds pretty nice. Where too?" I raised my right brow. 

She looked up at the ceiling and placed her index finger on her chin. "Hmmmm, we could go to Le Club, but I'm assuming you really don't want to be around Demitri right now. Oh, I know! There's this club a few miles from the church, but it's more of a gay bar with strippers and events. Tonight is foam night." 

I tilted my head, "New experience, I like it. Okay, I'm down. I just don't know what to wear, I don't really have much." 

She giggled, "I got you girl. I'll grab some of my new dresses I haven't worn yet and let you pick from them later. Sound cool?" 

  I nodded and smiled. 

 "Alright hun, I gotta get to the church to handle some things, boss needs some help with one of the warehouses. I'll be home later." 

  I waved her goodbye as she left through the garage door and sat back down at the breakfast bar. 

Hopefully going out will help keep my mind off of him.... his eyes... his lips... the intoxicating way he smells. 

 I shook my head aggressively and stood up, making my way to the living room and sat on the couch. As I searched through the channels, I couldn't help but look over at the chair Demitri sat on a week earlier and wish he was there. 

 "What the fuck is wrong with me, stop thinking about him." I muttered to myself.

  "Nothing is wrong with you." I jumped at the sound of Devitt's voice and narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Why do you always have to fucking do that." 

He chuckled and sat beside me. "Sorry, like I was saying, nothing is wrong with you Riah. It's normal to have feelings for another person. Especially for someone like Demitri."

Red Ruin {Book One} ✔️ (CURRENTLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now