1 - A new beginning

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(Y/N pov)

''L/N - kun, do you have a moment?''

She came. She was here. It was terrifying.

Standing next to me was my neighbor, Horikita Suzune.

When I first met her, I thought she was a cute girl, and she looked like a nice person.

How foolish of me.

She has long black hair, and is trying to talk to me.

If I did not know her, I would respond immediately, I mean, who wouldn't want to talk to such a cute girl, right?

That was what I thought when I met her, and now I regret it from the bottom of my heart.

Right now, my brain is desperately trying to find a way to avoid her

Should I get up and run as far away as possible?

No... I might get away from her this way, but my classmates would think that I am a weirdo.

If I just casually walk away,   she will grab me and I do not want to think what will happen next.

In the end, the best option is keep pretending to be asleep.

Between animals, when preys are being chased, they might pretend to be dead in order to get rid of their hunter.

Maybe if I do that she will just walk awa-

Horikita: ''If you do not awaken within three seconds, you will be punished.''

(Y/N): ''What is that supposed to mean?!''

I instantly abandoned my 'Sleeping Stragety', because she was the kind of person who would punish you.

Horikita: ''See? You were awake after all.''

(Y/N): ''I know enough that I'm afraid to make you angry.''

Horikita: ''Glad to hear it. Well then, may I have a little of your time?''

(Y/N): ''If I refuse?''

Horikita: ''If you did that I would be exceptionally displeased, and when I'm displeased, then I will prove a major obstacle to your student life, L/N - kun.''

(Y/N): ''You...''

Horikita: ''For example, it would be a shame if a great number of thumbtacks were placed on your chair, or if you were stabbed by the needle of my compass.''

That last one sounds oddly familiar...

(Y/N): ''That's nothing but harassment!''

I reluctanly sat up, because I did not want to be stabbed.

Now that I think about it, it all started one month ago, my first time in a school and the beginning of my student life.


One month ago

(Y/N pov)

I was sitting on a crowded bus, most of the passengers were wearing the same uniform as I was.

I was a bit nervous, I didn't have much experience in talking with people.

Where I came from, there was no need in interacting with people, I just had to do what I was told.

Who knows? Maybe in a few weeks I will be very popular and have lots friends... Nah, I highly doubt that.

''Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?''

Running away from the past (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now