25- The days that will never come

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(Y/N) pov

Three days had passed since the end of the exam on the desert island. We were still on the cruise and, to be honest, I couldn't complain at all.

This was my first time on a ship, and even the first time I was able to see the ocean.

You don't realize what you have until its gone.

I didn't know when, or if, I would be able to leave the school without worrying of someone taking me back to that man. That's why I decided to enjoy every moment I spent on that ship.

At that moment I was just walking around, exploring every part of the ship and watching how the other students spent their time.

Back in the White Room, we just learnt what was considered necessary. At the age of eleven, I already had the same knowledge as a college student, but had absolutely no experience in social interaction.

Sure, I knew Akane and Kiyotaka, but it was easier for me to interact with them since we were in the same situation. We faced the same suffering every single day, which made it easier for us to open towards each other.

However, since the moment I joined the school, I was surrounded by people who were entirely different from me. I was completely lost at the beginning and didn't really know what to do.

But now some months had passed since I joined the school and my situation had changed. Sakura was my friend and I had a strange relation with Kikyou, but I guess I also considered her a friend.

I interacted with Horikita quite often, but I wouldn't say she was my friend, at least for now. The main reason was her obsession with Class A.

She first approached me with the goal of using me in order to fight with the other classes. If one day she left that obsession aside, I would be glad to become her friend.

That aside, I was very happy with my current life. I didn't have many friends, but I still treasured those calm days.

But something happened at the end of the first semester. My homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei, told me that someone from the outside wanted me to be expelled and she blackmailed me. As long as I aimed for Class A, she would protect me from him.

I never believed that story though. If that man really made contact with the school, he wouldn't talk to a mere teacher. However, I didn't have enough evidence to determine that Chabashira-sensei was lying. For now, I would have to aim for Class A against my will.

But I wouldn't let her use me for much longer.

I put those thoughts aside and focused on my surroundings. I didn't have much time to enjoy the view and those kind of things because I was too focused on the special exam. But now that it was over, I just relaxed and enjoyed my time there.

I was quite excited, like a little child opening his Christmas presents.

The other students were either hanging out with their friends or spending time with their boyfriend/girlfriend.

After a while I returned to my dorm and layed on my bed. I had tried to go to the swimming pool, but it was crowded and I didn't find the courage to go alone. I could ask someone to come with me, but...

Sakura was too shy for that, Horikita was out of question, Kikyou was way too popular and I absolutely wasn't going to go with the three idiots.

While I was wondering what to do, someone knocked on my door. It was Hirata.

Hirata: "Good morning, L/N-kun."

(Y/N): "Morning."

I wondered what Hirata had to do with someone like me.

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