40- A new semester

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(Y/N) pov

When I opened my eyes, I found myself sitting under a tree. For some reason, I was in a vast field covered by grass.

The sky was covered by grey clouds, not a single ray of sunlight reached the ground. Was I dreaming? That was the only plausible explanation that I could come up with. But then again, it wasn't very common for me to notice that I was dreaming to begin with. Should I consider myself lucky?

I stood up and walked to a path that I spotted nearby. I couldn't tell where it started nor where it ended, the field was apparently endless.

Being completely clueless, I decided to wait until I woke up. The time kept passing, but for some reason nothing happened. I pinched myself many times hoping for this dream to finally end, but to no avail.


As I started to lose my patience, I heard a voice. Well, it was more like a whisper.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

I couldn't tell where the whisper came from.

(Y/N): "Is anyone here?" There was no response.

I sighed exasperatedly. This dream wasn't making any sense at all.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind hit me from behind. Confused, I looked behind me for the first time and my eyes widened.

I somehow expected someone to be behind me, but that was not the case at all. In the distance, I spotted storm clouds, even darker than the ones that were directly above me, slowly approaching. That, however, was not what disturbed me.

The part of the field that I was standing on was beautiful, with green grass and flowers. It somehow made me feel at ease. However, as the storm clouds approached from the distance, I could tell that the grass slowly changed to a more yellowish color and the flowers withered, until there was nothing left.

It was as if the storm clouds destroyed everything in their path. I didn't know why this was happening, nor why I was having such a strange dream but, for some reason, there was something that I was convinced of.

No matter what, I couldn't let those clouds reach me.

I looked back at the path. I didn't know where it led to, but it faced the opposite direction of the storm clouds. After convincing myself that this path would lead me somewhere far away from those clouds, I made up my mind and started to walk.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Normally I would groan and turn it off because I would prefer to sleep a bit more. That, however, happened the times that I was lucky enough to hear it. If not, I would have to sprint all the way to the school building and pray to arrive in time.

Today was different though. For the first time in a long time I was glad to finally hear the sound of the alarm.

(Y/N): "What a strange dream." I muttered.

Shrugging it off, I stood up and went through my morning routine. Today was the first day of the second semester, so the classes would start again in approximately an hour.


The road that led to the school building was crowded with students. Couples walking together hand in hand, noisy groups of friends complaining about the second semester starting already or talking about their summer hollidays and lonely students who, like me, just made their way in silence.

Back in April I wouldn't see many students from my class in the crowd. People like the three idiots and the professor would oversleep and be late for class. However, the situation was different now.

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