12- Trial

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(Y/N) pov

One day before the trial. Somehow, Sakura decided to testify, which boosted our class' confidence. However, we still didn't have definitive evidence.

(Y/N): "So hot..."

As I exited the dorms, I was welcomed with a really hot breeze. Global warming sucks.

I glanced over a group of students that were near the bulletin board. There, I saw a paper which said that they were looking for people who had information related with Sudo's case.

(Y/N): "This-"

It seems that somebody was trying to help.

Ichinose: "Good morning, L/N-kun!" 

(Y/N): "Did you post this?"

Ichinose also looked at the paper.

Ichinose: "Hmm. I didn't think of this method."

(Y/N): "Huh? This wasn't you?"

Ichinose: "No, it was probably- Ah, there he is! Good morning, Kanzaki-kun."

Ichinose waved at a male student that was passing by. He approached us.

Ichinose: "Was it you, Kanzaki-kun?"

 "Yeah. I posted it on Friday. Is there something wrong?"

Ichinose: "Oh, no. My friend here just wanted to know who did it. Ah, I'll introduce you two. L/N-kun, this is Kanzaki-kun, from my class."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you, Kanzaki." 

He was tall and had a stiff demeanor, but still looked like a serious student.

Ichinose: "Ah!"

(Y/N): "What's the matter?"

Ichinose: "It looks like I just got two messages regarding the post. There might be a little information."

Ichinose checked her phone and smiled.

She showed me her phone so I could also see.

Ichinose: "Apparently Ishizaki-kun from Class C was violent back in middle school and had had many fights with the locals."

Kanzaki: "Interesting." 

Ichinose: "Anyway, we'll have to transfer points over to anyone who provides information. Ah, but this person did it anonymously, how can I transfer the points?"

(Y/N): "I know how."

Ichinose suddenly drew close and handed me her phone. Apparently, she didn't know about personal space. Not that I complained.

I transfered the anonymous person their points, but I saw something that shocked me.

Ichinose: "Thank you!" She said as I gave the phone back.

(Y/N): "..."

Ichinose had over 2 million private points. How was that even possible? Apparently she was going to be a great obstacle for Horikita.


In the afternoon, I returned to my dorm and watched TV. The doorbell rang and I checked who it was.

Kushida, Ike and Yamauchi were there. Apparently it was time for another of our 'group's' reunion.

Ike: "So. Has there been any progress, Kushida-chan?"

Kushida: "Yes. But I have also found something incredible. L/N-kun, can I use your computer?"

(Y/N): "Sure." Kushida went to my desktop computer.

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