39- Clarifying things

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(Y/N) pov

The summer vacations were coming to an end. As if to match most of the students' gloomy state, the sky was once again covered by gray clouds, which wasn't very typical at this time of the year.

Since I planned on spending the last day of my holidays reading the books that Hiyori had lent me, I didn't care about the weather at all. But I guess that for those who wanted to go to the swimming pool with friends it was a disappointment.

Normally, the pool was only accessible for the members of the swimming club, but the school opened it for these last few days and everyone could go any time.

Deciding that I had read enough for now, I left the book on the nightstand and stood up. I didn't feel like going to the dorms cafeteria to eat something, so I went to the kitchenette located in my dorm and opened the fridge.

After preparing a small sandwich, I sat down and checked the school's app. The screen displayed an image of myself, as well as my name and last name. I scrolled down a little bit and checked my private points, which were over 450,000.

After the exam on the boat I had around 500,000 private points, but I ended up buying a game console to kill some time.

In the end I barely used it, so it was a waste of points if you ask me.

As I took another bite, the doorbell rang. My visitors sure had a weird timing to come to my room.

Still eating the sandwich, I opened the door and immediately regretted it. Horikita, looking as happy as ever, stood there looking at me.

(Y/N): "Hello."

Horikita: "May I come in?"

Instead of a question, it was more like a demand.

(Y/N): "Sure."

I could guess why she came here and decided that it would be problematic if we didn't discuss it at that moment. The sooner I got it out of the way, the better.

I stepped aside and let Horikita come in. Thinking about it, it had been a while since Horikita last came to my room. She glanced around and her eyes landed on the game console next to my TV, but she didn't make any comments. Then, she turned back to me with a serious expression.

Horikita: "Why?"

(Y/N): "Why what?"

Horikita: "Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about."

I sighed.

(Y/N): "Your brother offered me the opportunity to join the student council."

At the mention of her brother, Horikita's expression hardened.

Horikita: "When?"

(Y/N): "The day of the second trial, when Sudo's case was solved."

Horikita: "Back then, huh...?"

Her voice was low and her eyes were cast down. When it came to her brother, Horikita was a completely different person.

Horikita: "Why didn't you join at that moment?"

(Y/N): "Because I didn't know what to do. I needed some time to think about it."

I said that, but when the older Horikita invited me for the first time I knew that I would end up accepting his offer. If it wasn't for the exam on the deserted island and the cruise, I would have joined much earlier.

(Y/N): "I know that you're mad at me for not telling you before but-"

Horikita: "I'm not mad, just... surprised."

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