3- Making friends is more difficult than I expected

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(Y/N) pov

It was Monday. A week had passed since the beginning of my school year, and, as always, I was sitting alone in class.

It was the lunch break, so students were either hanging out with friends or having lunch.

Lately, most of my classmates have been doing whatever they wanted during classes. At first, everyone was wary of the teachers, I mean, this was a school of the government and we were supposed to behave correctly, or that's what we thought. People started using the mobile phone during class and the teachers wouldn't say anything. After a few days, no one  even payed attention to the teacher's explanation, only a few people would behave correctly in class. The others would be talking, playing with their mobiles or ditching class.

I had a bad feeling about that, of course this school wouldn't let the students do whatever they wanted, so I kept paying attention in class, just in case.

Hirata: ''So, I was thinking of going to the cafeteria, who wants to come with me?''

Oh, the perfect opportunity! If I accept his invitation I will finally make a frie-


''Sure, Hirata-kun, I would love to!''

Hirata was suddenly surrounded by girls, and I had to look elsewhere a bit frustrated.

Horikita: ''Oh, what a shame...'' She said while laughing.

She's making fun of me...

Horikita: ''Please, someone invite me! Don't leave me alone here guys! You are an open book.''

(Y/N): ''Look who's talking. At least I try to make friends.''

Horikita: ''I don't need any friends. I'm better alone.''

(Y/N): ''Yeah right, I bet you are scared of not being able to make friends and you're just acting cold to look cool.''

Horikita sent me an emotionless look

Horikita: ''No I'm not, do you want me to kick you?''

(Y/N): ''I do not want to be kicked.''

I tried to tease her a little to see how she would react, but I guess it was a bad idea.

Hirata: ''Is anyone else coming?'' I guess he felt a bit lonely because no boys joined him.

Our eyes met for a second and he noticed me wanting to join them.

Hirata: ''Hey L/N- kun, wanna co-''

''Hurry up Hirata-kun!''

A girl grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the classroom, leaving me with my arm awkwardly streched, still trying for them to notice me.

You know what?! Fine! I'll go by myself! I don't need any of you!

God, I'm so childish...

I got up and headed to the cafeteria, but I was stopped by someone.

Kushida: ''Um... L/N – kun?''

(Y/N): ''Uh, yeah, that's me. You are Kushida, right?''

There was something in her eyes that made me be wary around her, maybe I was just imagining things...

Kushida: ''Yes! I'm glad you remembered!''

Well, I don't wanna talk to her and I'm hungry. I'll try to get this done with as soon as possible.

(Y/N): ''Do you want anything?''

Kushida: ''A-ah, yeah... I wanted to talk about something...''

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