7- The troubles keep coming

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Mornings in Class D were always lively. However, today my classmates seemed to be even more active than usual, even though it was Monday.

I took my mobile phone out and checked the school's app. There, you could do many things, like checking the points that each class has or checking your private points.

I checked my personal balance and couldn't help but sigh. I had to buy 1 point for Sudo's test with Horikita, and we both spent 50,000 points each, and I also spent another 15,000 points to get the old mid-term exams. At that moment I barely had 10,000 points.

The bell rang and Chabashira-sensei came in.

Chabashira: ''Good morning, everyone. You all seem more restless than usual today.''

Ike: ''Sae-chan sensei! Do we have zero points again this month?! When I checked this morning, I didn't see a single point deposited into my account!''

Chabashira: ''Oh, so that's why you're all so restless?''

Ike: ''We worked ourselves half to death this past month! We passed the midterm, so why are we still at zero points?! No one's been late or absent, and no one's talked during class, either!''

Chabashira: ''Don't jump into conclusions. Listen to what I have to say first. You're correct, Ike. You have all worked harder than ever before. I recognize that. Naturally, the school understands full well how you all feel.''

After being admonished by the teacher, Ike shut his mouth and sat back down.

Chabashira: ''Well then, here are this month's totals.''

She put a paper up on the board that listed the points values, starting with Class A at the top. Excluding Class D, all of the other classes had nearly 100 points more than last month. Class A now had 1004 points, slightly above where everyone had started when we were admitted.

Horikita: ''This isn't good. Could they have figured out a way to increase their point total?!''

Horikita seemed to be only focused on other classes. However, Ike and most of the other Class D students didn't care much about the other classes' points. They only worried about our class' points.

Written next to Class D was our point total: 87 points.

Ike: ''Huh? Wait, 87? Does that mean we actually went up? Yahoo!''

Ike started jumping up and down the moment he saw our score.

''But then, why didn't we get any points yet?'' Another student said.

Chabashira: ''Well, this time there was a little trouble. The first-year students' point distribution has been delayed. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit longer.''

Great. Just great.

Ike: ''Huh? Seriously? If this is the school's fault, then shouldn't we get some kind of bonus as compensation?''

The students grumbled in discontent. Once they found out that they wouldn't be getting their points, their actitude completely changed. And it was normal, there was a significant difference between 87 points and no points.

Chabashira: ''Don't blame me. This was the school's decision, there's nothing I can do about it. Once the trouble has been resolved, you'll recieve your points. If there are still points left, that is.''

I don't like this...


After classes ended, I was getting ready to leave.

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